Quality Center Test Management Tool
Overview Test Lab Module Tasks Performed in Test Lab Module
Analyzing Results Linking Activities
Analyzing Results Double click a test in the test set to open Test instance properties window. Select the run name and click on ‘Launch report’ icon. It will launch the Quick test report for that particular instance
Linking Defects QC will auto navigate you to the previous screen (summary of defects screen), and here we would have our newly raised/logged defect with a unique defect id auto assigned by QC
Linking Defects To create and link a new defect click ‘Add and link defect’ icon. It will open defects module, create a defect and save it. Created defect will be linked automatically to the test instance
Linking Defects To link an existing defect click on ‘link an existing defect’ icon. Link can be done in two ways. By defect ID By select the defect from defects module. Default is by defect ID. Give the defect ID and click on ‘Link’ icon