Mr. H. Mayo Mr. T Bentley US Studies Jeopardy for Unit Two ! Mr. H. Mayo Mr. T Bentley US Studies
100 200 300 400 500 Vocabulary Acts Battles People Foreign Policy Odds And Ends Hodgepodge 100 200 300 400 500 FINAL JEOPARDY
which enabled officers to enter any location during the day to look for evidence of smuggling. ? 100
Wrists of Assistance Vocabulary
What radical group of people kept the colonist stirred up during the Tea Act? 200
Sons of Liberty Vocabulary
What was the name of the supporters of the Colonist in the fight for Independence ? 300
The Albany Plan of Union proposed that the colonies unite to form a ? Bonus: The Albany Plan of Union proposed that the colonies unite to form a ?
Federal Government Vocabulary
Samuel Adams was the leader of which group of people 400
Committee of Correspondence Vocabulary
Under which economic system could a nation become more powerful by gaining more money ? 500
Mercantilism s Vocabulary
Parliament had imposed many taxes on trade, but what was the first direct tax Britain had ever placed on the colonists? 100
Stamp Act Acts 2
Granted East India Company a monopoly on tea 200
Tea Act Acts 2
With what laws did the British intend to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party and end colonial challenges to British authority 300
Coercive Acts Acts 2
What was the first direct tax on the colonist? 400
The Stamp Act War of 1812
What lower the cost of Sugar in the colonies? 500
The Sugar Act 1764 BONUS
Bonus: What document expressed loyalty to the king, but condemned the Coercive Acts and announced that the colonies were forming a nonimportation association ?
Olive Branch Petition Acts 2
What battle provided the colonist with a confidence boost against the British ? 100
Battle of Bunker Batltles t
What battle mark the beginning to the end to the American Revolutionary War? 200
Yorktown . Battles t
What battle was known as the “Shot Heard Round the World?” 300
Lexington and Concord Battlesct
The turning point of the Revolutionary War in the South was the Battle of 400
Kings Mountain BONUS
BONUS: What was the South Carolina slave revolts that burnt plantations in South Carolina and killed 20 white men
Stono Rebellion Battles t
American forces suffered their greatest defeat of the Revolutionary War at? 500
Charles Town Battles t
Who wrote Common Sense? 100
Thomas Payne People
Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence ? 200
Thomas Jefferson People
Congressional leaders feared that if New York fell without a fight, it would hurt American Morale, so they sent troops the under leadership of ? 300
George Washington People
Who wrote Poor Richards Almanac ?” 400
Ben Franklin BONUS
BONUS: On September 5, 1774, in Philadelphia, a colonial congress was coordinated by the committees of correspondence and called the ”?
First Continental Congress People
Who was the King of England during the revolutionary war ? 500
King George People
Who did the Native Americans side with in the American Revolution ? 100
British Foreign Policy
What two countries help the US during the War? 200
Spain and France Foreign Policy
Who was the French commander who help train US Troops? 300
General Lafayette BONUS
BONUS: On the night of December 25, 1776, George Washington led approximately 2,400 men across the icy ?
Delaware. Foreign Policy
Perhaps the most famous famous naval battle of the war happened near Britain in September 1779, and involved the American naval officer ? 400
John Paul Jones Foreign Policy
The local militias in the colonies fought differently than the Continental Army, using a kind of fighting called ? 500
Guerilla Warfare Foreign Policy
The Royal Proclamation of 1763 declared that colonists could not settle west of a line drawn north to south along the 100
The Appalachian Mountains Odds and Ends
Fighting between the British and French that began in 1754 in North America is known as the ? 200
The French and Indian War Odds and Ends
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people begins what? 300
Declaration Of Independence The Declaration Of Independence Odds and Ends
What became known in the colonies as the Intolerable Acts ? 400
The Coercive and Quebec Act Odds and Ends
When British troops set out for Concord on a road that took them past the town of Lexington, two men spread the alarm: Paul Revere and ? 500
William Dawes BONUS
BONUS: People living in the Appalachian Mountains who were outraged at Patrick Ferguson's attempts to subdue them put together a militia and intercepted Ferguson at ?
King’s Mountain Odds and Ends
On March 5, 1770, a crowd of colonists began taunting and throwing snowballs at a British soldier guarding a customs house, which resulted in the 100
Boston Massacre Hodgepodge
What Country lost most of their land in America due to the French and Indian War ? 200
The French BONUS
Who was the governing body of the colonies during the war? BONUS: Who was the governing body of the colonies during the war?
2nd Continental Congress Hodgepodge
Name two of the log colleges ? 300
Brown, Dartmouth, Columbia, Princeton Hodgepodge
Name two advantages the US had in fighting ? 400
George Washington, Ben Franklin, They were defending their homes, it was moral fight, and the French were on there side Hodgepodge
Name two advantages of the British during the war except which of the followin ? 500
They had a strong military, they had more people, and they had more money Hodgepodge
Who made the motion for Independence? FINAL JEOPARDY: Who made the motion for Independence? answer
Richard Henry Lee The End