A 5 th Grade Odyssey Write an adventure story detailing your personal “odyssey” through the 5 th grade.


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Presentation transcript:

A 5 th Grade Odyssey Write an adventure story detailing your personal “odyssey” through the 5 th grade.

You will use characters from the book The Odyssey to write an adventure story about your 5 th grade year.

Possible Characters : OdysseusSirens PenelopePoseidon Cyclops Athena Hermes Odysseus’ crew

Story Guidelines Odysseus is the hero of your story. Your hero must make it through the year of 5 th grade, including classes, special areas, and recesses. You cannot use any actual names of students or teachers. Your story should be at least two pages long and entertain your readers.

Here are some ideas to think about for your story…

Poseidon God of the sea, protector of all waters, father of the Cyclops. Did anyone protect you from trouble this year?

Athena Athena is the Greek goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. Did anyone give you good advice this year?

Hermes He was the cleverest of the Olympian gods, and messenger to all the other gods. Did anyone deliver messages for you or help you during times of trouble?

The Sirens The Sirens enticed sailors to come to their island by playing their beautiful music. Were you tempted by anyone to do something wrong this year? How did you resist?

Odysseus started his 5 th grade year at Dandridge Elementary School. (add more details to this paragraph ) Classes and Homework Detail Recess Detail Friends Detail Conclusion