WW I Overview (It’s going to be on the TEST!)
The countries in Europe The central powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire) The Allies ; France, Great Britain, and eventually the United States The 4 main causes of WW I Nationalism-Great pride in one’s country Imperialism-Acquiring other nations for resources, economic growth Militarism-The unlimited growth of the military Alliances- treaties signed by a number of nations to protect each other in case of attack Start of the War
The countries in Europe Leaders of the countries involved CENTRAL POWERS Germany Kaiser Wilhelm II Ottoman Empire Sultan Mehmed V ALLIES Great Britain King George V France Georges Benjamin Clemenceau United States Woodrow Wilson Russia Before 1917-Czar Nicolas II After 1917-Vladimir Lenin Start of the War
The spark that kicked off WW I The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, The leader of Austria Hungary, was murdered by a Serbian Austria-Hungary then declares war on Serbia, which is in a treaty with Russia who declares war on Austria The war officially starts 1914 Start of the War
The early years Trenches, built to slow down the advance of Germany, take shape and the war grinds down to a halt Stalemate-where neither side is able to advance very far but the loss of life is tremendous. The brutality of War
U.S. Involvement At the start of the war, the U.S. wants to maintain neutrality, and stay out of what is happening in Europe Sussex Pledge-Germany’s promise to not sink U.S. ships or kill U.S. citizens Sinking of the Lusitania by German U-Boats (Submarines) Brings the U.S. into the war against Germany The Selective Service Act (The draft) brings young American men into the armed forces The brutality of War