I Can Do It By Myself! Independent Reading in Elementary Schools Presented by Cherry Carl
Characteristics of the Independent Reader The independent reader: Takes great pride in reading books to himself for pleasureTakes great pride in reading books to himself for pleasure Has developed control over the entire reading process and cueing systems.Has developed control over the entire reading process and cueing systems. Uses background experiences and knowledge (schemata)Uses background experiences and knowledge (schemata) Reads fluentlyReads fluently Predicts and confirmsPredicts and confirms Source: Reutzel and Cooter (1999)
Presentation Highlights What does research say about independent reading?What does research say about independent reading? The effects of independent reading on reading achievementThe effects of independent reading on reading achievement Assessing student independent reading levelAssessing student independent reading level In-school independent readingIn-school independent reading Out-of-school independent readingOut-of-school independent reading Motivating students to read independentlyMotivating students to read independently Retelling, reflecting, and revisitingRetelling, reflecting, and revisiting
Presentation Highlights workshopReading workshop Selecting texts for independent readingSelecting texts for independent reading Reading Responses and Record KeepingReading Responses and Record Keeping Independent reading rubricsIndependent reading rubrics AccountabilityAccountability Taking a Look at California StandardsTaking a Look at California Standards ResourcesResources
What Does Research Say About Independent Reading? In-school and out of free reading programs are consistently effective. In-school and out of free reading programs are consistently effective. Studies show that free reading program are effective for vocabulary development, grammatical development, writing style, and oral language ability. Studies show that free reading program are effective for vocabulary development, grammatical development, writing style, and oral language ability. People who say they read more write better. People who say they read more write better. Children read more when they see other people reading. Children read more when they see other people reading. (Krashen, 1993 )
What Does Research Say About Independent Reading? If children read 1 million words in a year, at least 1,000 words will be added to their vocabulary. If children read 1 million words in a year, at least 1,000 words will be added to their vocabulary. When books are readily available, when the print environment is rich, more reading is done. When books are readily available, when the print environment is rich, more reading is done. Access to a school library results in more reading. Access to a school library results in more reading. Children read more when they listen to stories and discuss stories. Children read more when they listen to stories and discuss stories. (Krashen, 1993)
What Does Research Say About Independent Reading? The amount of time students spent in independent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement and also the best predictor of the amount of gain in reading achievement made by students between second and fifth grade. The amount of time students spent in independent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement and also the best predictor of the amount of gain in reading achievement made by students between second and fifth grade. Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988)
What Does Research Say About Independent Reading? There is evidence that unless children read substantial amounts of print, their reading will remain laborious and limited in effectiveness. LaBerge & Samuels
The Effects of Independent Reading on Reading Achievement Improves reading achievement Improves reading achievement Builds fluency Builds fluency Increases vocabulary Increases vocabulary Builds background knowledge and schema Builds background knowledge and schema Exposes students to diverse topics and information that can be used in future reading Exposes students to diverse topics and information that can be used in future reading
The Effects of Reading Familiar Materials The reading of familiar materials enables the child to: Make meaningful predictions that can be checked.Make meaningful predictions that can be checked. Practice effective strategies on easy materials.Practice effective strategies on easy materials. Read with fluency and expression.Read with fluency and expression. Experience the pleasure of revisiting favorite stories.Experience the pleasure of revisiting favorite stories. Become more knowledgeable about story structure and vocabulary.Become more knowledgeable about story structure and vocabulary. Problem-solve independently.Problem-solve independently. Dorn, et al, 1998
Assessing Student Independent Reading Level Running Records Running Records Five-Finger Test Five-Finger Test Readability Formulas Readability Formulas
In-School Independent Reading Daily time for self-selected reading Daily time for self-selected reading D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) U.S.S.R. (Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading) U.S.S.R. (Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading) D.I.R.T. (Daily Independent Reading Time) D.I.R.T. (Daily Independent Reading Time) Self-selected text or predetermined reading list Self-selected text or predetermined reading list Familiar text: revisit guided reading books, journals Familiar text: revisit guided reading books, journals Builds confidence in problem solving new words Builds confidence in problem solving new words
In-School Independent Reading Single classroom or school-wide Single classroom or school-wide Silent reading partners Silent reading partners Literature Circles: reading for a purpose Literature Circles: reading for a purpose Teachers participate as role models Teachers participate as role models Reading nooks support independent reading time Reading nooks support independent reading time Personal book baskets/boxes Personal book baskets/boxes A good reading environment encourages reading (Krashen (1993) A good reading environment encourages reading (Krashen (1993)
In-School Independent Reading Reading logs, reading skills checklist Reading logs, reading skills checklist Magazines and/or newspapers Magazines and/or newspapers Bookmarks Bookmarks Reading conference sheet Reading conference sheet Leveled libraries Leveled libraries Thematic book baskets Thematic book baskets
Out-of-School Independent Reading Parent education Parent education Access to school and public libraries Access to school and public libraries Thematic book bags to take home Thematic book bags to take home Birthday backpack Birthday backpack Summer reading lists Summer reading lists Reading in bed Reading in bed The Three Bs: book ownership, book racks and bed lamps (Trelease) The Three Bs: book ownership, book racks and bed lamps (Trelease)
Revisit, Reflect and Retell Richard Allington and Lucy Calkins suggest that we need to have students engage in fewer formal responses to reading. They fear that students are asked too frequently to write about or create a visual response. In many cases, the best and most appropriate response to reading is more reading. (For powerful strategies for revisiting, reflecting and retelling, see Linda Hoyts book!) Linda Hoyt, 1999
Motivating Students to Read Independently Book clubsBook clubs Breakfast clubsBreakfast clubs Reading eventsReading events Poetry partiesPoetry parties Book talksBook talks Book commercialsBook commercials Access to large amounts of high quality, engaging textsAccess to large amounts of high quality, engaging texts
Motivating Students to Read Independently Guest readersGuest readers California Young Reader Medal participationCalifornia Young Reader Medal participation Author/Genre studiesAuthor/Genre studies Teacher modelingTeacher modeling Recognition: rewards and certificatesRecognition: rewards and certificates Opportunities for in-school free choice readingOpportunities for in-school free choice reading Summer Reading ProgramsSummer Reading Programs
Motivating Students to Read Independently Active parent involvement Active parent involvement Partnerships among community institutions Partnerships among community institutions Access to varied material that appeals to all ages and tastes Access to varied material that appeals to all ages and tastes Authors visits Authors visits
Reading Workshop Getting startedGetting started Reading and response logsReading and response logs Anecdotal notesAnecdotal notes Setting guidelines and benchmarksSetting guidelines and benchmarks Mini-lessonsMini-lessons Teach children to value reading!! Conferencing with studentsConferencing with students
Selecting Texts for Independent Reading Matching Books to Readers Matching Books to Readers Just-Right Books for Beginning Readers (Ellen Brooks, 1996) Just-Right Books for Beginning Readers (Ellen Brooks, 1996) For young readers look for books with large type, predictable patterns, interesting content and quality illustrations. (Bialostok, 1992) For young readers look for books with large type, predictable patterns, interesting content and quality illustrations. (Bialostok, 1992) Avoid age restrictions. Avoid age restrictions. Know your students! Know your students!
Reading Responses and Record Keeping Reading response journals Reading response journals Dialogue journals Dialogue journals Double entry journals Double entry journals Reading conferences Reading conferences Book sharing Book sharing Book reviews Book reviews
Independent Reading Rubrics Accountability piece Accountability piece Outstanding! Wow! So-So and Oops! (source: The Art of Teaching Reading by Lucy Calkins, page 78) Outstanding! Wow! So-So and Oops! (source: The Art of Teaching Reading by Lucy Calkins, page 78)
California Language Arts Standards In addition to their regular school reading, by grade four, students read one-half million words annually, including a good representation of grade-level-appropriate narrative and expository text (e.g., classic and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers, online information).
Resources Anderson, Wilson, Fielding (1988).Anderson, Wilson, Fielding (1988). Bialostok, Steven (1992) Raising Readers: Helping Your Child to Literacy. Winnipeg, Canada: Peguis Publishers Limited.Bialostok, Steven (1992) Raising Readers: Helping Your Child to Literacy. Winnipeg, Canada: Peguis Publishers Limited. Calkins, Lucy (2001). The Art of Teaching Reading. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc.Calkins, Lucy (2001). The Art of Teaching Reading. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc. Cullinan, Bernice (2000). Independent Reading and School Achievement.Cullinan, Bernice (2000). Independent Reading and School Achievement.
Resources Dorn, Linda et al (1998). Apprenticeship in Literacy: Transitions Across Reading and Writing. York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.Dorn, Linda et al (1998). Apprenticeship in Literacy: Transitions Across Reading and Writing. York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. Fountas, Irene and Pinnell, Gay Su (199). Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6.Fountas, Irene and Pinnell, Gay Su (199). Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6. Hopkins, Gary. Sustained Silent Reading Helps Develop Independent Readers (and Writers). Education World.Hopkins, Gary. Sustained Silent Reading Helps Develop Independent Readers (and Writers). Education World.
Resources Hoyt, Linda (1999). Revisit, Reflect, Retell: Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension. Portsmouth, NH: HeinemannHoyt, Linda (1999). Revisit, Reflect, Retell: Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Krashen, Stephen (1993). The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.Krashen, Stephen (1993). The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.
Resources Reutzel, Ray and Cooter, Robert (1999). Balanced Reading Strategies and Practices: Assessing and Assisting Readers with Special Needs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-hallReutzel, Ray and Cooter, Robert (1999). Balanced Reading Strategies and Practices: Assessing and Assisting Readers with Special Needs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-hall Trelease, Jim (1982) The Real-Aloud Handbook Trelease, Jim (1982) The Real-Aloud Handbook Weaver, Brenda (2000). Leveling Books K-6: Matching Readers to Text. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.Weaver, Brenda (2000). Leveling Books K-6: Matching Readers to Text. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.