LISTENING What’d you say?
Hearing and Listening are two distinct activities Hearing = registering sound vibrations Listening = making sense of what is heard While one may hear something, that does not mean one is listening.
Good listening is important because it increases one’s personal and job effectiveness.
Methods of becoming a better listener are: Listen with understanding Listen with an open mind Listen actively Listen with empathy
A good listener prepares for listening by: Determining the purpose Being ready to listen Accepting one’s share of the responsibility the responsibility
Three types of listening CriticalDiscriminativeAppreciation
Critical Listening is used to form values and judgments Noting major points Recognizing details Rephrasing/reviewing Detecting bias Determining motives Take notes Practice When listening critically, we evaluate or analyze what the speaker is saying by:
Discriminative Listening is used to gain information, such as following directions. Appreciation Listening is used for finding pleasure, such as listening to music
When listening, we hear a speaker’s tone which conveys his/her verbal attitude. The tone works with facial expressions and other body language to give the listener an implied meaning which is the hidden meaning in a message.
Listening also allows us to hear dialects, which are ways of speaking, including: Slang Colloquialisms Accents These may indicate a speaker’s background or position.
When listening, we give the speaker verbal feedback which shows our attention or confusion. We use a clarifying question to better understand speakers’ messages or information