R URI T EEN There will be a Tri-Valley RuriTeen meeting this Wednesday after school in Mr. Furek’s room, T-5. The speaker will be Stephanie Nethers, speaking on behalf of the American Cancer Society.
P ICTURE R ETAKE Picture Retake Day will be October 11th Forms can be picked up in the office or library
A CADEMIC Q UIZ T EAM Those students interested in joining the Academic Quiz Team should attend a meeting today at 2:30pm in room A7 (Mr. Archer’s)
O HIO N ORTHERN U NION A representative from Ohio Northern Union will be in the Guidance Office during 4 th period on Thursday, October 10 th
M USKINGUM U NION A representative from Muskingum Union will be in the Guidance Office during 2nd period, Wednesday, October 9th
FCS The next FCS meeting is Thursday at 7:15am in room A7. Please be sure to enter through the front door
NHS NHS Applications are due Friday, October 11th in B- 10 NHS meeting Tuesday morning in room B-10 at 7:30am
S OFTBALL Open Conditioning for all ages When: Monday’s and Wednesday’s Time: 5:00 to 6:00 Location: TVSB Locker Room Open Hitting for all ages When: Tuesday’s and Thursday’s Time: 3:30 to 5:30 Location: Old Village Meats in Frazeysburg NOT MANDATORY