OAA 2010 Grade 6 Reading Item Analysis
Reading Process (RP) A 16% B 6% C 7% D 72% (*) Acquisition of Vocabulary (AV) A 6% B 10%C 6% D 78% (*) School %State % 7274 School %State % 7872
Standard Percent at each score point Mean Score 012 Sc hoo l Distric t Stat e Informatio nal Text (IT) Informationa l Text (IT) A 90% (*) B 1% C 8% D 1% Acquisition of Vocabulary (AA 17%B 11%C 13%D 60% (*) School %State % 6064 School %State % 9077
Reading Process (RP) A 8% B 20% C 68% (*) D 5% Standard Percent at each score point Mean Score 012 Sc ho ol Distri ct Sta te Reading Process (RP) Literary Text (LT) A 8% B 13% C 10% D 69% (*) School %State % 6862 School %State % 6970
ItemItem Standar d Percent at each score point Mean Score 012 Sc ho ol Distri ct Sta te 9 Literary Text (LT) Literary Text (LT) A 13% B 18% C 65% (*) D 4% 1111 Reading Process (RP) A 23% B 5% C 65 %(*) D 8% School %State % 6566 School %State % 6560
Acquisition of Vocabulary (AV) A 6% B 8% C 83% (*) D 3% Literary Text (LT) A 52% (*) B 25% C 11% D 13% Literary Text (LT) A 20% B 10% C 48% (*) D 23% School % State % 8382 School %State % 4847 School %State % 5259
Reading Process (RP)7%10% 71% (*)13% Standard Percent at each score point Mean Score 012 Sch ool DistrictState Informational Text (IT) Acquisition of Vocabulary (AV)10% 70% (*)20%0% Schoo l % Stat e % 7166 School %State % 7066
Informational Text (IT)17% 43% (*)23%17% School %State % 43 % no response 1