OAA 2010 Grade 4 Reading Item Analysis
1Reading Process (RP) A 0% B 8% C 17% D 76% (*) 2Literary Text (LT)37%1%62%(*)0% % No Response Sch ool % St ate % % No Response School % State % 06265
3Reading Process (RP)12%0%83% (*)6% 4 Acquisition of Vocabulary (AV) A 98% (*) B 1% C 2% D 0% ItemItem Standard Percent at each score pointMean Score 012SchoolDistrictState 5Literary Text (LT) % No Response School% State % % No Response School % State % 09893
6 Acquisition of Vocabulary (AV) A 4% B 5% C 87% (*) D 4% 7Reading Process (RP) A 0% B 1% C 98% (*) D 1% 8Literary Text (LT)A 13% B 82% (*)C 2%D 3% % No Response Sch ool % St ate % % No Response Sch ool % St ate % % No Response Sch ool % St ate % 08280
9Reading Process (RP) A 11% B 80% (*) C 3% D 6% % No Response Sch ool % St ate % 08064
ItemItem Standard Percent at each score point Mean Score Scho ol Distric t State 1010 Informational Text (IT)
1111 Acquisition of Vocabulary (AV) A 36% B 54% (*) C 6% D 3% 1212Reading Process (RP)3%4%13%77% (*) % No Response School % State % % No ResponseSchool% State % 27780
1313Informational Text (IT) A 71% (*) B 4% C 15% D 9% 1414Reading Process (RP) A 0% B 82% (*) C 7% D 9% 1515Reading Process (RP) A 9% B 5% C 16% D 70%(*) % No Response School % State % % No ResponseSchool%State% % No Response School % St ate % 17062
3838Reading Process (RP) A 5% B 0% C 91% (*) D 3% ItemItem Standard Percent at each score pointMean Score 012SchoolDistrictState 3939Literary Text (LT) % No Response Sch ool % St ate % 29184
4040 Acquisition of Vocabulary (AV) A 52% (*) B 9% C 27% D 10% 4141Reading Process (RP) A 65% (*) B 6% C 9% D 17% 4242Literary Text (LT) A 28% B 11% C 52%(*) D 8% % No Response Sch ool % St ate % % No Response Sch ool % St ate % % No ResponseSchool%State% 25253