Continuum of Consciousness Chapter 7 Introduction to Psychology
Last night I slept….? Awesome! No interruptions! Good! I went to bed at a reasonable hour. Not so good I was up reading fascinating articles on Psychology! TERRIBLE…People kept texting me about Psychology class! 15
Consciousness Awareness of ourselves and our environment Individual’s thought processes Individual’s unique emotional experiences CONTINUUM OF CONSCIOUSNESS: A wide range of experiences that vary from being acutely aware to completely unresponsive
Controlled Processes Requires your full attention Examples: Taking Tests Sports Events Surgery
Automatic Processes Performing activities that require little attention Examples: Watching TV Eating Walking
Which of the following would be an example of a controlled process? Giving a speech Listening to IPOD Texting Chewing gum
Daydreaming Fleeting thoughts Conscious Often takes the form of replaying events in one’s mind Re-doing events in one’s mind
Altered States of Consciousness Awareness that differs from normal consciousness Drug Use Hypnosis Sleep Deprivation Yoga
Sleep and Dreams The Stages of Sleep are divided into 4 as well as stage called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Dreams: A variety of sensory experiences that occur mostly in REM
The Unconscious v. Unconsciousness The Unconscious: A Freudian term referring to a place where we hide our aggressive/sexual desires from our normal thought processes. Unconsciousness: Total unawareness to one’s environment