Materials Auditing on LPA Projects Experiences of one district
Material Types TE24 Materials QPL Materials CTD Materials (certified test data) Specialty Items (locals preferred lightpoles) Structural Members (steel/concrete beams) Aggregates Concrete Asphalt TE24 Materials QPL Materials CTD Materials (certified test data) Specialty Items (locals preferred lightpoles) Structural Members (steel/concrete beams) Aggregates Concrete Asphalt
TE24 Materials Check files for paper copy of TE24s Rebar, catch basins, guardrail, etc. Untrue Suppliers often say they cannot create TE24s without an ODOT project number- Untrue -can call Abdul Qayum at OMM Check files for paper copy of TE24s Rebar, catch basins, guardrail, etc. Untrue Suppliers often say they cannot create TE24s without an ODOT project number- Untrue -can call Abdul Qayum at OMM
QPL Materials Check files for paperwork with name of supplier and material Wire, cable, PVC, RPMs, iron pipe, concrete sealers, etc. Can verify on OMM website at LPA office/trailer or back at district office Often have to have LPA get with contractor and have them submit the paperwork Check files for paperwork with name of supplier and material Wire, cable, PVC, RPMs, iron pipe, concrete sealers, etc. Can verify on OMM website at LPA office/trailer or back at district office Often have to have LPA get with contractor and have them submit the paperwork
CTD Materials Check files for test data H-piles, cast pile points, shear studs, etc. Has the LPA checked the test data for compliance to specs? They often need reminded Check files for test data H-piles, cast pile points, shear studs, etc. Has the LPA checked the test data for compliance to specs? They often need reminded
Specialty Items Check files for LPA approval paperwork Lightpoles, traffic signals, waterline, etc. Do the plans allow for these items? Check files for LPA approval paperwork Lightpoles, traffic signals, waterline, etc. Do the plans allow for these items?
Structural Members Check files for TE24s or other acceptance paperwork LPAs often contact OMM for inspection of the fabrication of steel beams, concrete beams, box culverts, etc. If they don’t they will have to find qualified person to document the inspection Check files for TE24s or other acceptance paperwork LPAs often contact OMM for inspection of the fabrication of steel beams, concrete beams, box culverts, etc. If they don’t they will have to find qualified person to document the inspection
Aggregates Check tickets for aggregate material and supplier 304, 617, sand, 8s, 57s for various applications, bedding & backfill Check OMM website to verify that supplier and material are certified for that use Do tickets state “ODOT PreQualified Aggregate Supplier”? Check tickets for aggregate material and supplier 304, 617, sand, 8s, 57s for various applications, bedding & backfill Check OMM website to verify that supplier and material are certified for that use Do tickets state “ODOT PreQualified Aggregate Supplier”?
Concrete Tickets have JMF, batch weights, agg moistures? Test results for air, slump, yield, strength? Test results meet spec? Verify JMF and certified concrete plant on OMM website Tickets have JMF, batch weights, agg moistures? Test results for air, slump, yield, strength? Test results meet spec? Verify JMF and certified concrete plant on OMM website
Asphalt Most problematic material for LPAs Many do not fully comprehend the ODOT specs for monitoring, testing VA samples, sublot samples, spec tolerances, reviewing contractor results, rice and pill split sample testing, etc. District Testing should be contacted to review the information JMF on tickets and approved for the project? Most problematic material for LPAs Many do not fully comprehend the ODOT specs for monitoring, testing VA samples, sublot samples, spec tolerances, reviewing contractor results, rice and pill split sample testing, etc. District Testing should be contacted to review the information JMF on tickets and approved for the project?
Suggestions Materials Check List Before FHWA Funds Approval Discuss materials approval at pre-con Materials Check List Before FHWA Funds Approval Discuss materials approval at pre-con