THE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN US Gods regenerated servants have a new disposition toward God and man, toward Gods Word and people, His law and His promises; new qualities of heart, loving what they once hated, hating what they once loved, fearing and hoping as they never did before; faith displacing unbelief, love superseding enmity and penitence taking place of hardness of heart. And all this is done with a freshness of spirit, a vigor and an earnestness.
THE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN US THE REALITY OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE, Romans 7: But I see another law (principle) in my members, warring (waging battle) against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity (making me a prisoner of war)... v. 23. Who will deliver me? I thank God – through Jesus Christ our Lord! v. 25
THE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN US A. THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO LIVE IN HOLINESS AND HOPE, Romans 8:1-4. To run and work the law commands, Yet gives me neither feet nor hands; But better news the Gospel brings; It bids me fly and gives me wings.
THE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN US B. THE HOLY SPIRIT MAKES US AWARE OF HIS EXPECTATION AND EMPOWERS US TO LIVE IT, Romans 8:5-13. We need not ask for more of the Holy Spirit, we already have everything we need for life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). All may not yield themselves in equal measure to the influence of the Spirit; some may more frequently grieve and disobey Him, but He is still there.
THE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN US C. THE HOLY SPIRIT ASSURES US OF OUR ACCEPTANCE IN THE BELOVED, Romans 8: The Father has adopted us, v.14 The Spirit bears witness, vv. 15,16 The Son fulfills His purpose (glory) in us, v.17 The Holy Spirit does not produce a slavish, anxious state of mind but affection, reverence and confidence.
THE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN US D. THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVES HOPE AND GUARANTEES GLORY, Romans 8: * Glory: v. 18 * Earnest expectation/eagerly waiting/revealing (v. 19) * Groans with birth pangs (vv. 22,23) * Hope (v. 24) * Wait with perseverance (v. 25) * Makes intercession with groans (v. 26)
THE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN US The term patience appears not so much as a time of resigned suffering, nor of anguished groaning, nor of careless enthusiasm, but rather one of eager waiting; patience with a vibrant quality. The Christian perspective is determined not by the frustrations of the present, but by its future hope. James Dunn
THE HOLY SPIRIT ABIDING IN US E. THE HOLY SPIRIT PRODUCES GODS WILL IN OUR LIVES, Romans 8: Living in the Spirit, therefore, introduces us to a relationship of infinite intimacy with the Father; it draws us into a family of gigantic proportions; it grants insight into the condition of our natural environment; and it urges us to look forward to the consummation of our redemption. That is why we are more than conquerors.