Ohio Department of Transportation John R. Kasich, Governor Jerry Wray, Director Ohio Planning Conference Organizing for Reliability – A State Perspective – Session 2D July 15, 2014 Dave Holstein, Administrator ODOT Office of Traffic Operations
2 TSM&O Strategies Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
3 What TSM&O Do We Do Now? TSMO Strategies: Work Zone Management Incident Management Special Event Management Road Weather Management Service Patrols Traveller Info Signal Coordination Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
4 TSM&O Strategies: Regional Operations Transit Priority Ramp Management Managed Lanes Connected Vehicles OTHERS??? – This will be a key question in a minute. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective What TSM&O Do We Do Now?
5 TSM&O Funding Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
6 How is TSM&O Funded? Well….. In Central Office we request $$ for projects that we think needs to be done. In Districts – there are no TSM&O funds. Everything just part of other budget line items. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
7 TSM&O Collaborations Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
8 Who Do We Work With on TSM&O?? Well …… Planning – Safety Program quite a bit Construction – Spec committee; APL Engineering – Review some plans; quite a bit on standards, signals and work zones. Districts – Especially w/Highway Management. Locals/MPO’s – As necessary but not that often. Emergency Responders – Via OEMA/TMC Summary – Fair amount of collaboration but it just sort of evolved over time. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
9 Organizational Structure Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
10 Organizational Structure Central Office Division of Operations: Office of Traffic Operations; Office of Maintenance Administration; Office of Aviation Districts Organized Around: Engineering (Planning/Design); Construction; Maintenance Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
11 TSM&O Plan Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
12 Where Do We Want To Be In 5 Years?? This is PRECISELY the point: ITS, signals, field devices, software, information dissemination, maintenance needs, number of programs, data applications, EVERYTHING (except staff size) has grown at a break neck pace. Constant “fire drill” to just do what you have to do. Working in “Real-Time” with not much time left to think about the long term future. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
13 Core functions - just evolved over time; Collaborations - similarly evolved often times based on personal relationships; Funding - requested “in real-time” as we need it. No formal long term plan - wait a minute…………. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective Where Do We Want To Be In 5 Years??
14 WE NEED A PLAN!!!! Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective Where Do We Want To Be In 5 Years??
15 WE NEED A PLAN!!!! Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective Where Do We Want To Be In 5 Years??
16 The Plan Won SHRP2 “Organizing for Reliability” Grant Completed Facilitated Self Assessment Strengths & Improvement Opp’s Identified Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective
17 With our improvement opportunities identified ODOT is required to create a plan to make them strengths. General Improvement Areas Are: 1.Developing a Plan; 2.Making the business case for Operations; 3.Systems and Technology; 4.Organization & Staffing. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective The Plan
18 Rather than just address some weaknesses of what we are currently doing we decided to do a LOT more. We are going to look at everything…. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective The Plan
19 Internal / external stake holder group being formed to BENCHMARK high performing practitioners of Operations. C.O., Districts, County Engineers, Cities, MPO’s, etc. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective The Plan
20 Potential core functions will be identified and existing ones will be vetted. Organization, staffing, products and functions will be evaluated against the current best in the country. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective The Plan
21 Every facet of ODOT’s Operations (C.O. and Districts) will be compared and contrasted to the best practitioners in the Country. The Stakeholder group will make recommendations to ODOT Executive Management that are unconstrained by our current limitations & practices (budget, collaborations, staffing, core functions, T.O.’s, EVERYTHING) Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective The End Game
22 Those recommendations accepted by ODOT Executive Management will be memorialized in Ohio’s first long range TSM&O Plan. Goal is to be the premier operations program in the country. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective The End Game
23 We will learn from the best and add it to our own strengths in order to become the new standard of excellence in Operations. Very exciting – once in a lifetime/career opportunity. Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective The End Game
24 Questions? Organizing for Reliability - A State Perspective