HS Announcements: Monday, Sept. 17th High School 1.Class officer election results: Freshman Class: President Caleb White and Vice President Jonathan Wolfe Sophomore Class: President Hayden Erwin and Vice President Bryanna Floyd Junior Class: President Logan Boggs and Vice President Colby Schwaderer Senior Class: President Alex Adams and Vice President Landon Hormann 2.All vehicles must have a parking pass– even those parked in the gravel. If you still need a parking pass, see Mrs. Neer. 3.Attention Juniors & Seniors. The following institutions and military branches will have representatives here to meet with you during homeroom time: 9/14 – University of Findlay 9/20- Shawnee State 9/17 – Army National Guard 9/24 – Bowling Green State University 9/18 – Urbana University 9/25 – Cedarville University 9/19- Cleveland Institute of Art Please stop by guidance to sign up or if you have any questions. 4. Homecoming is next week. If you plan to bring a guest to the Homecoming dance (meaning someone who is not currently a student at WLS high school) you need to get a guest form from Mrs. Neer in the office. 5.The HS Guidance Office will be collecting money for the PLAN test that will be given to sophomores until Friday, Oct. 5. Any sophomore who plans to attend a 4-year college post- graduation is encouraged to take this practice entrance examination. The cost is $ Please bring your check made out to WL-S Schools or cash into the Guidance Office by 11:30 am when Ms. Tennant is here. 6.There will be an open gym for girls basketball today from 3:00-4:00. 7.There will be a HS student council meeting today during 1 st Lunch/1 st Homeroom in Mr. Thomas’s room. 8.We will be on a special schedule tomorrow as we have a guest speaker coming to speak to both our HS and MS students. Also, Mrs. Conrad is taking a group of students to the Farm Science Review tomorrow and Mr. Lamb is taking a group on Wednesday. Athletics 1.The JV Girls Soccer team was defeated by Miami East on Saturday by a score of 2-1. The goal for WLS was scored by Christy Kauffman. Lauren Godwin had 10 saves in Goal. Next game for the JV Girls is today at Springfield Catholic Central at 7:00 PM. 2.The Varsity Girls Cross Country team placed 1st at the 10 team Graham Invitational on Saturday. The Big Orange, currently ranked 5th in the D3 coaches' poll, placed 4 runners in the top 5 to outdistance 2nd place Versailles. Meghan Vogel placed 1st out of 129 runners with a career PR of 18:47. Alyssa Strickland also posted a career PR of 19:59 for 3rd place and was followed closely by teammates Shawnda Henault 4th and Jasmine Smith 5th. Savanna Shipp cracked the top 20 placing 18th. Sarah Williams and Jordan Smith placed 34th and 36th respectively. WLS hosts the Ohio Caverns Max Evans Memorial Invitational tomorrow. Races start at 4:45 p.m. with JV Boys. Varsity Girls run at 5:15 p.m. and Varsity Boys race at 5:45 p.m. There will be a 5K Alumni Race at 6:15 p.m. This is the only home meet of the season for the team and we'd appreciate your support. 3.Also, our very own Meghan Vogel has won a very prestigious national award. The United States Olympic Committee has selected Meghan as this year’s recipient of The Jack Kelly Fair Play Award. This award recognizes an athlete, coach or official for an outstanding act of fair play and sportsmanship. Meghan’s cross country schedule prevents her from accepting the award this weekend at the awards dinner during the 2012 U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Assembly in Colorado Springs, Colo. A camera crew will be coming today to video Meghan’s acceptance of the award and she might get to go out to Colorado over the winter instead. Congratulations Meghan!