Hope you enjoy the following program as we present it! Warning: Explosion may vary!
The Algonquin By:Trevor and Lonnie Illustrated by: Trevor, Lonnie and the computer
Ottawa Originally from Canada Traded mostly with Europeans and other Indians Hunted and fished/went hunting in winter Traveled as far west as Greenbay Settled near Toledo Traveled to hunt
Miami One of the most powerful tribes in Ohio Lived in rush longhouses Told stories, sang songs, played music and danced Covered roofs with cattail mats Made toys like modern toys Made longhouses by bending trees
Delaware Also called Lenape Lived in Wigwams Began trading with Europeans in the 1500’s Led by the oldest women Thought to be the oldest Algonquian tribe Went west and was forced further west by the Iroquois
Shawnee Settled in villages called Piqua, Wapakoneta and Chillicothe Driven off by the Iroquois In the 1740’s they gained their land back Settled in Ohio near 1700 Oldest man led household Settlements were along the Ohio river