Mrs. Pope’s Class Welcome to 7 th Grade
Objective: To give you an authentic education and prepare you for 8 th grade. Goal: To help you become successful in all subject areas. Goals for this year….
PLANNER! Pencils A Binder! Binder Tabs Folders Notebook Paper What you’ll need every day:
Be in room ON TIME, every day If you’re late once, you’ll get a warning. If you’re late twice, you’ll receive a demerit/detention Daily Activities
Tell me about your weekend. You must have 5 sentences. We will work on weekly journals to improve your writing. Journal
Come in room with a positive attitude. Leave negativity at the door. Be prepared for class When you enter the room, be ready to start work! Daily Activities
Bookshelf Sign in and out completely Daily Activities
Filled out every day If student takes initiative, they can fill out the board. Agenda signed by Mrs.Pope and filled out by YOU and every day Homework Board
You’re expected to work ALL period, EVERY day. Tutoring will become pass/fail I will record days that are not productive For good behavior, you’ll be able to Tutoring
1) Be prepared and be ready to work. 2) Be kind. 3) Be positive. 4) Be on time. 5) Be the best you can be. Classroom Expectations: The 5 Be’s
1) Listen when someone is talking. 2) RESPECT- treat others the way you want to be treated. 3) Get homework finished on time. Classroom Rules
Interest Inventory! Interest Inventory
Journals MUST HAVE: Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence. Punctuation at the end of the sentence. Indent the first sentence of a paragraph. Rephrase the question at the beginning of your response. Journaling Expectations
Students MUST: Have divider tabs organized by first period through eighth period File papers IN THE CORRECT DIVIDER TAB before leaving the class Organize their binder each week and have it checked by Mrs. Pope Organization Expectations
Students MUST: Bring homework to tutoring to work on daily Not make excuses. It is YOUR responsibility to get your homework done outside of school. Each week, students will complete activities in tutoring. Only after those tasks will students be permitted to work on homework. Homework Expectations
I love the BEACH. I have been to Hawaii, Mexico, Turks and Caicos, Peter Island. I’ve love to run!! I have run a marathon, half marathons and lots of 5ks. I read ALL the time (my favorite book is The Power of Six) I coach XC !! I have two standard poodles and two kids!! Fun facts about Mrs. Pope