The Volunteer Reception Center is an organized way to mobilize and demobilize community volunteers during and emergency. Its purpose is to get the right people to the right place at the right time. A volunteer reception center assures that volunteers are appropriately credentialed, trained and equipped to complete the task at hand.
Two Days of Training October 20, 2009 Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) staff training October 21, 2009 Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) training
VRC Training was conducted at the Immaculate Conception Hall in Ravenna. This training teaches VRC staff how to operate the center.
As shown, the center is organized into stations to make the process move quickly and efficiently.
Kim Villers, PCHD Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, shows the VRC staff how to register incoming volunteers.
EMA Deputy Director John Mason taught VRC Staff how to make the volunteer ID badges. VRC staff are pictured practicing the badge process.
Susie Forgacs, Robinson’s EMT Trainer, gives a presentation to the MRC volunteers on the H1N1 flu vaccinations.
Kim Villers is available for questions after the H1N1 presentation.
Sarah Hallsky, Lead Public Information Officer, discusses media information with Mandy Zantow and Ann Marie Mann of Family Community Services.
Kim Villers shows the Medical Reserve Corps Nurses how to give the H1N1 flu mist and the shot.
Kim Villers demonstrates how to give the flu shot. A volunteer nurse gives Kim her flu shot with local media present.
Kim supervises as the MRC nurses and EMT’s vaccinate each other.
John Mason, EMA Deputy Director talks to the media about the VRC process.
Kim Villers answers media questions about the Medical Reserve Corps. Portage County Health Department coordinates the Portage County MRC.
In Conclusion: Volunteers were trained as volunteer reception staff. 22 Medical Reserve Corps Nurses and EMT’s were trained to give the H1N1 flu shot and flu mist. Volunteers will supplement local public vaccination teams to be deployed locally during the H1N1 response.