Welcome to US History Mr. Macrides Room D-140
Syllabus Review 1.Areas of Discussion 2.Materials a. Paper, Pen and Pencil, Text, 3 Ring Binder, Pocket folder, Paper 3. Class Rules 4. Course Description
The 3 Types of Problems Ladies and gentlemen, in this course, you need to be aware of the 3 Types of Problems. The 3 Problems include the following; My Problem, Your Problem, and Our Problem. Most problems in this class will fall under the category of Your Problem. To ensure your success in this course, try to limit Your Problems (cant stop talking, rude, lazy, etc.) from becoming Our Problem. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING FOR YOU!!!!!!
Essential Knowledge These terms are essential for your success in this course. The sooner you master (memorize if you will) these terms, the easier it will be understand the concepts and connections of throughout our studies. How do I memorize? Make flash cards and spend 5-10 minutes nightly reviewing. You will be tested once per week, usually the last day of the week, on 6-10 of these terms. DO NOT LOSE THESE TERMS
Research Paper (WooHoo!) Ladies and gentlemen, you have rarely been asked to do any type of research in your educational career. It is my goal to teach you how to research in a scholarly fashion. Yes, this assignment takes a lot of your time. You have to adhere to due dates and you have to follow guidelines. Discuss Paper and Requirements This is a large part of your grade (i.e. if you dont do it, you will fail!!!)
Research Paper Rubric Please follow the rubric, this is solely how your grade will be calculated. I am giving you the guidelines to earn an A.