Single European Sky 1 CAeM Technical Conference Single European Sky and the Impacts for Aeronautical Met Services Geneva 21 November 2006
Single European Sky 2 Increase safety, efficiency, capacity Reduce fragmentation / complexity Between the airspace of Member States Within states (civil/military) Between air and ground Systems and procedures Provide a framework for the modernisation of systems =>SESAR Objectives
Single European Sky 3 Expected growth in Air transport
Single European Sky 4
5 Working methods Regulatory approach, based on a comprehensive policy and supported by financial instruments (research + TEN-T) Transparency and consultation with all ATM stakeholders =>Industry Consultation Body (includes AVIMET) Involvement of social partners =>Social dialogue Close liaison with Member States =>Single Sky Committee Synergy with Eurocontrol =>Mandates and other support
Single European Sky 6 Expected results Certification of all air navigation service providers (including MET) Designation of air traffic service provider + possibly MET-provider Full implementation of Flexible Use of Airspace including tactical level Harmonised classification of upper airspace Harmonised safety oversight by NSA Harmonised charging scheme (applies to designated MET-providers) First Community Air Traffic Controller licences
Single European Sky 7 MET-services Meteorological services are integral part of Air Navigation Services and thus part of SES legal framework MET-providers to be certified by competent National Supervisory Authority against common requirements (Annex 1 and 3) by end 2006/early 2007 Annexes were developed in close coordination with MET-community
Single European Sky 8 MET-services (2) may monopolyAfter certification, Member States may designate MET-providers on an exclusive basis like air traffic service provider (= monopoly situation) marketIf Member States do not designate MET- providers, market conditions apply like for providers of aeronautical information services (AIS) and to communication, navigation and surveillance providers (CNS)
Single European Sky 9 Outlook Mid-2007 First review report from the European Commission to the European Parliament and the Council about the impact of SES including proposals for changes of legal framework: Need to clarify the current definition of MET- provider? Need to change the current option for designating MET-provider on a monopoly basis? Commission interested in receiving input from stakeholders!
Single European Sky 10 Apologies for not being present! Andreas Boschen European Commission DG TREN/F/2 Single Sky + Modernisation of ATC Mail address: DM24 05/42, B-1049 Bruxelles Phone: (xx) Fax: (xx) Web: More information … 10