WORLD CLIMATE CONFERENCE - 3 Geneva, Switzerland, 31 August 4 September 2009 Theme: Climate prediction and information for decision making Vision: “An international framework for climate services that links science-based climate predictions and information with the management of climate-related risks and opportunities in support of adaptation to climate variability and change in both developed and developing countries.”
Review of the Outcome of WCC-3 3 The road to WCC st WCC (1979) Examined influence of climate on society and called for action regarding the threat of climate change Establishment of World Climate Programme (IOC/UNESCO, ICSU) Establishment of IPCC in 1988 (WMO, UNEP) - -2 nd WCC (1990) Called for action to arrest build up of greenhouse gases Establishment of GCOS (WMO, UNEP, ICSU and IOC/UNESCO) Provided the scientific foundation and political endorsement for negotiation of UNFCCC
THE 15TH WMO CONGRESS JUNE 2007 WCC-3 should: produce significant concrete outcomes of both near-term and long-term economic and social benefit to WMO Members, the private sector, and the general public; result in practical outcomes of direct relevance to policy makers, the private sector and the public and should strengthen linkages among the scientific and users communities
WMO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL-LX JUNE 2008 The outcomes should: bridge the gap between IPCC assessment reports and the required services to adapt to climate variability and change at regional and national levels. address the observation and data needs, which influence adaptation strategies, impact assessments, and climate diagnostics and projections.
WMO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL-LX (CONT.) The outcomes should: include an action that enhances the provision of climate prediction and information services for their integration into decision-making, to make the world safer; to enhance socio- economic well being; to spur growth by contributing to disaster risk reduction; and adaptation to climate variability and change; thus contributing to the achievements of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The Conference A 2-year preparatory process International Organizing Committee Preparation with Members Two segments –Three day Expert Segment –Two day High-Level segment
8 Key WCC-3 statistics 13 messages by Heads of State/Governments 57 Ministers or equivalent officials also addressed the HLS 14 Executive Heads of UN Agencies & Programmes present 17 major contributors to Conference trust fund ~ 2500 scientists participated in the “expert” sessions 12 “White Papers” addressing key climate service issues Review of the Outcome of WCC-3
9 Side/media events & exhibitions - ~ 200 poster participants -World Climate Broadcasts Forum -Media 21 journalists workshop -2 new WMO publications launched Climate Sense From Weather Gods to Modern Meteorology - A philatelic journey -Numerous side events
10 PURPOSE OF EXPERT SEGMENT PURPOSE OF EXPERT SEGMENT Engage a wide cross-section of: climate scientists Expert providers of climate information and users of climate information and services …….in a wide-ranging discussion on the essential elements of a new Global Framework for Climate Services Review of the Outcome of WCC-3
11 SCIENCE OUTCOME Expert segment consisted of: 12 parallel working sessions in key sectors 3 plenary round-table sessions 4 forums in parallel with the working sessions 4 workshops on implementing climate services 3 poster sessions Review of the Outcome of WCC-3
12 CONCLUSIONS FROM THE EXPERT SEGMENT Great scientific progress has been made over the past 30 years Present capabilities to provide effective climate services fall far short of meeting present and future needs Most urgent need is for much closer partnership between the providers and users of climate services Major new and strengthened research efforts are required to increase the time range and skill of climate prediction Review of the Outcome of WCC-3
Examples of progress in weather forecasting 13 Useful skill is anything above 60%
MAIN OUTCOME OF THE EXPERT SEGMENT MAIN OUTCOME OF THE EXPERT SEGMENT Twelve white papers from the parallel sessions A Conference statement as input to the high- level segment
15 OUTCOMES OF THE WORLD CLIMATE CONFERENCE - 3 OUTCOMES OF THE WORLD CLIMATE CONFERENCE - 3 Prepared a Brief Note – concept of a Framework for Climate Services High-Level Segement - Conference Declaration Established the Global Framework for Climate Services. Review of the Outcome of WCC-3
16 THE BRIEF NOTE Presents an overview of the Framework through answering questions: Why is a GFCS necessary What is the GFCS What would be achieved through the GFCS Who will participate in the GFCS What are the next steps in developing a GFCS How will the GFCS be supported Review of the Outcome of WCC-3
17 CONFERENCE DECLARATION CONFERENCE DECLARATION Decided to establish a GFCS Requested the SG of WMO to convene an Intergovernmental Meeting within four months Decided that the High Level Taskforce should prepare a report after wide consultation Decided that the report of the Taskforce be circulated to Member States for consideration at the next WMO Congress (in 2011) Review of the Outcome of WCC-3
18 Thank you for listening Review of the Outcome of WCC-3