2012 Report TT-Warn What has been accomplished
2 TT-warn members at their FMI meeting October oktober Frank Kroonenberg (KNMI) Mats Johansson (SMHI) Hannele Kaija (FMI) Thomas Turececk (ZAMG) Angel Alcazar (Aemet) Zoltan Fodor (OMSZ) Pat Boyle (UKMO) missing due to illness
3 TT-warn goals One of the main original goals for TT-warn was to encourage and to implement bilateral exchange of warnings between neighbouring RA VI countries. This became quite successful daily routine in Central Europe and between BeDeNeLux countries. Our world changed when the Eumetnet Meteoalarm warning website became operational (2007). Now over 31 European countries are input partner for this multi-hazard awareness system. And now Meteoalarm will develop a Content Management System (CMS) enabling the flexible routing of warnings by the individual wishes form your NMS So for this reasons the targeted goal for the TT-warn group shifted little bit towards: How to extend Meteoalarm to the other members of WMO RA VI A set of best practice recommendations for “new entering countries”, together with a procedural notice on applying for entering Meteoalarm is part of the TT-warn deliveries
4 TT-warn tasks Monitor and promote cross-border exchange of warnings (old technique but still very useful for non Meteoalarm countries) Working paper 1, 2, and 3 finally a combination within one working paper Analyse possible improvements of warning capabilities and propose respective actions (about present and new severe weather guidance products from ECMWF and taking use of best practice example products from other RA VI NMHS’s) Working paper 4 and 5 Analyse on how NHMSs can co-operate with their national civil protection authorities and Media (best practice examples and recommendations from other NMHS’s) Working paper 6 and 7 and 8 How to extend MeteoAlarm to all RA VI Members and to other WMO Regions (a set of minimum requirements to enter Meteoalarm and how to practically join Meteoalarm also for non Eumetnet countries Working paper 9 and 10
5 Results TT-warn activities in 2012 A lot of exchange resulted in 8 drafted documents before we had our TT-warn Helsinki meeting October 2012 Each document now starts with a document Summary and a set of recommendations. Together we reviewed all 8 docs during the Helsinki meeting TT-warn also tried to come up with a new set of ambitions for 2013 November 2012 all docs were finalized by the TT-warn members, in line with the common review TT-warn leader did send all 8 docs to Axel Thomalla WMO secretary will make a one 8-10 paged report, together with a management summary, out of all TT-warn delivered documents
6 Starting point for each delivered doc (total of 8) How to improve National warning systematic How to join Meteoalarm, “A set of minimum standards recommended to enter Meteoalarm”, together with the Eumetnet procedure of joining For those RA VI countries not ready to join Meteoalarm advisories on setting up a bilateral exchange of warnings between neighbouring countries Best practice recommendations on co-operation with National Civil Protection Authorities Best practice recommendations on co-operation with the Media Best practice recommendations on communication means suitable for delivering warnings to the users Recommendations on the use of Severe Weather Guidance products from ECMWF and ideas on future possibilities for the use of severe weather guidance products from other NMHS’s
7 Remaining points addressed to WG-SDP To activate a team that will enquire for free and online available best practice example NWP model/methodologies and guidance products at RA VI NMHS’s, predicting severe weather events such as: risk on forest fires, coastal events, avalanches, blizzards, severe convective storms or air quality forecasting (e. g. PM10) To ask “Meteoalarm” to use their Extranet Forum platform to present “on line” these best practice example model/methodology and guidance products from other NMS’s on severe weather events To activate ECMWF to address new special parameters helpful in forecasting severe weather convection parameters during the convective season To start a survey on the need at European NMHS’s for medium range severe weather support from the ECMWF would be welcomed. Also taking into account hydrological risks coming from weather would be great. Perhaps a core group of NMHS’s could contribute for a trial period together with evaluation at the National level for specially developed pilot products by the Centre
8 TT-warn ideas and plans to explore in To develop ideas on a Twinning programme which is ready for implementation quite easily. Within this programme NMHS’s with well developed warning systems/tools should receive and instruct colleagues from less advanced NMHSs. Next to ideas on the programme itself we will also look for potential receiving NMHSs and for ways of funding the exchange The need for a good verification system on warnings is very important. Not only to check the quality of your NMS warning capabilities, but also to learn from your warnings and your warning system. Warning verification is very important for any future improvement to your system at National level. Probably not only on verifying reaching thresholds, but also taking into account the impact part. So verification preferably together with your CP and perhaps Media. TT-warn wants to take up the action for to gather best practice examples on warning verification amongst NMS’s, this leading to a set of recommendations that can easily be implemented by NMS’s in order to develop or improve your own verification system. NB> Next TT-warn meeting is planned in October at Aemet Madrid