- 1 - Heinrich Knottenberg ET WISC: WIS Development in 2006
- 2 - Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS Expert Team on WIS GISCs and DCPCs (ET-WISC) Co-chair on WIS GISCs: Heinrich Knottenberg Co-chair on WIS DCPCs: Al Kellie Terms Of Reference a)Develop technical and operational specifications for the different components of the WIS GISCs b)Develop technical and operational specifications for the different components of the WIS DCPCs c)Develop criteria for interoperability and certification for actual implementation d)Coordinate related pilot projects.
- 3 - Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS WIS Development 2005 Coordination Meetings 2005 ET-WISC (10th-14th Oct 2005; Geneva) ICG-WIS (24th-27th Oct 2005; Boulder)
- 4 - Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS ICG-WIS: WIS Development Plan 2006 (I) Prototype for CBS TECO on WIS (Nov 2006): GISC-Functions –VGISC Portal (incl. authentication and [simple] authorisation) –Access to Metadata catalogue for –data discovery –viewing/modifying (authorisation required) of dissemination control information –Metadata import and export interfaces (WMO Metadata Standard) –Metadata harvesting from sample DCPCs (incl. Metadata translation [e.g. via OAI mechanisms] if applied by a DCPC) –Data retrieval from the VGISC real-time database and the internal DCPCs and request forwarding to sample DCPCs –Demonstration of GTS data acquisition/dissemination with sample NCs –Access to monitoring information
- 5 - Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS ICG-WIS: WIS Development Plan 2006 (II) GISC-Cookbook: Requirements to be fulfilled for participation as WIS DCPC of existing data-collection or products centres –Register as a DCPC with WMO; –Provide capability to deliver discovery-level metadata in standard XML in accordance with WMO Core Profile (for those datasets whose existence you are willing to make globally known); –Provide capability/interface for automatic harvesting of metadata (in WIS standard XML); –(Note: ICG-WIS & ET-WISC must define WIS protocol, access policies/control, synchronisation, etc.) –Provide access to data through an on-line interface (via agreed protocols); –Strive to provide data in at least one of several standard formats – or provide decoding software.
- 6 - Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS ICG-WIS: WIS Development Plan 2006 (III) Reference implementation WMO Core Profile version of metadata by 1Q06; Integration of metadata structures into pilot GISCs and DCPCs by 3Q06; Internet portal in 1Q06; Basic data acquisition using metadata by 2Q06; Data discovery service by 3Q06; Agreement on specification of data access rights by relevant CBS Expert Teams in 2Q06; Data distribution service: –push in 2Q06 –pull in 4Q06; Exchange of monitoring information in agreed format by 3Q06.
- 7 - Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS External DCPCs NCAR JCOMM (Obninsk-Data-Centre) NCs Finland... Architecture of the Prototype
- 8 - Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS WIS Development 2006 (I) Coordination Meetings GISC+DCPC Developers Workshop (29th-31th Mar 2006; Langen) Joint meeting EPET-MI and ET-WISC (3rd-5th May 2006; Moscow) ICG-WIS Subgroup (17th+18th Jul 2006; Reading) ICG-WIS (5th-8th Sep 2006; Beijing) CBS TECO on WIS (6th-8th Nov 2006; Seoul)
- 9 - Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS WIS Development 2006 (II) Prototype for CBS Technical Conference on WIS (6th-8th Nov 2006, Seoul) Requested Configuration: One GISC prototype VGISC (including internal DCPCs) KMA and CMA contribute by sending one developer each to DWD / ECMWF DCPC prototypes: “NCAR Community Portal” (Boulder) and “E2EDM” (Obninsk) NCs (Finland; KMA) Other work on WIS technology Cooperation with SIMDAT and/or UNIDART: CMA, JMA, KMA, BoM NCs: Hong Kong, China; Malaysia
Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS WIS Development 2006 (III) Schedule (as agreed at ET WISC II) Decision on Metadata Standard: Beginning of May (done) Finalise Lists of contributing persons: Beginning of May in the Meeting in Moscow (done) Finalise the Specifications: Mid of May incl. contributions managed by SIMDAT and UNIDART (use cases: open; contribution: done) Status report: End of June (presented at ICG-WIS Subgroup Meeting) Specification of the infrastructure needed at the CBS site (done) Status report: End of August (this presentation) Prototype ready: Beginning of October; Infrastructure needed at the CBS site available for testing at KMA Present the prototype: 8th November in Seoul
Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS WIS Development 2006 (IV) Status at the contributing centres VGISC/WebWerdis (i.e. the UNIDART portal) (on schedule) VGISC/SIMDAT (on schedule) Harvesting VGISC/SIMDAT – NCAR (done) Data retrieval VGISC/SIMDAT – NCAR (done) Harvesting VGISC/SIMDAT – NODC ( open ) Data retrieval VGISC/SIMDAT – NODC ( open ) NCs Finland, Korea ( details to be arranged )
Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS ET WISC Work Packages (I) Technical Questionnaire on WIS Issued by the WMO Secretariat on19th May 2006 Deadline for answers was 14th July Status on 28th August 2006 63 Answers received Early evaluation is available Central support Consultant to support ET WISC in developing specifications ( delayed )
Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS ET WISC Work Packages (II) Collaboration Support Wiki provided by NCAR (We need to populate it !) Prepare use of the upcoming WMO Metadata Version 1.0 Integrate harvesting of ISO Metadata records in OAI
Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS Questions ?
Geneva Sep.2006ICT-ISS