GSICS Coordination Center Update GSICS Executive Panel Meeting 12 Fuzhong Weng and Fangfang Yu GSICS Coordination Center
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 2 Outline Staff change in GCC team GCC Progress Since April 2011 o Support to the establishment of GSICS correction algorithm: diurnal calibration Evaluation o GSICS Quarterly o GCC Meeting Support o Product Quality Assurance Activities Update on current product status Exempt clauses Special handling request GCC Near-term Goals for
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 3 Staff Change in GCC Dr. Robert Iacovazzi, Jr. left NOAA/NESDIS in August 2011 – We greatly appreciate his many contributions to the GSICS in general and to the GCC in particular. Current GCC staff: – Dr. Fuzhong Weng: Director – Dr. Fangfang Yu: Deputy Director – Dr. Haifeng Qian: Webmaster – Dr. Fred Wu: Other support Many thanks to the supports from GRWG, GDWG and WMO during the transition period. – Please continue!
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 4 Data Analysis at GCC - Diurnal Calibration Variation GOES-11 Meteosat-9 FY-2D MTSAT-2
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 5 GSICS Quarterly Newsletter All the four issue of Volume 5 in 2011 and Volume 6 No 1 in 2012 are completed – Including two special issues on the vicarious calibration of GEO solar reflected channels from CNES/EUMETSAT/JMA/KMA/NASA/NOAA Use the new GSICS mailing system to distribute the GQ – The GQ was sent to >190 accounts – The online registration form is now available at the GSICS portal and GCC website – Thanks for the contributions from the authors, editors, press correspondents and GDWG chair. Special thanks to Dr. George Ohring for the careful proofreading help.
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 6 Meeting Support GSICS Second Users’ Workshop – September, 2011, Olso, Norway GRWG 7 th + GDWG 6 th annual meeting – March 2012, Beijing, China NIST lunar calibration workshop – May 2012, Gaithersburg, MD – Reported the workshop result to GRWG thru a webmeeting All the web meetings hosted by EUMETSAT – Guest-chaired a webmeeting to update GPPA
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 7 User Interaction User’s Feedback from ISCCP – Critical and valuable review comments from ISCCP on the GSICS product presentation formats – GCC hosted a telecon to discuss these concerns soon after receiving the comments EUMETSAT/JMA/NOAA/WMO attended the meeting Consensually agreed that a central product catalog is needed to direct the users to access products and associated documents WMO proposed a very good demo version GDWG later developed the central product catalog implemented GCC website and linked to at the GSICS portal – GCC reported the User’s feedback and GSICS community action in GRWG webmeeting and the GRWG+GDWG annual meeting.
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 8 Absolute Calibration for MW Channels Action EP-3.6: GCC (F. Weng) will prepare a presentation on absolute calibration for MW channels at GRWG – F. Weng presented the early result of NPP/ATMS absolute calibration, titled “Toward Absolute Calibration of Suomi-NPP ATMS”, at GRWG on March 25, 2012 – It is recommended that for NWP radiance assimilation, forward models need to consider the measured spectral response function.
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 9 GCC Initial Effort on the Instrument Calibration Event Log GCC proposed early version of instrument calibration event log through a web meeting and discussion Recent progress will be reported at #8.2 and #8.3 Instrument (monitored or referenced) NoStart timeEnd timeCommentTypeRelated Information GOES-12 Imager12003/04/01Operation startedhttp:// spacecraftStatusSummary.asp?spacecr aft=12 GOES-12 Imager203/21/200703/23/3007Anti-ice Decontamination (uncompleted) GOES-12 Imager307/02/200707/04/2007Anti-ice decontamination IASI407/18/2007IASI Level 1 data operational data formally available htm GOES-12 Imager512/15/200801/05/2009Stayed as backup and decontamination GOES-12 Imager6Retired from GOES-West and moved to the South American Mission spacecraftStatusSummary.asp?spacecr aft=12
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 10 GPPA Products Five demo products on the way to Pre-Op phase – GPAF_GL01.1.0_EUMETSAT_SEVIRI&IASI_IR – GPAF_GL03.1.0_NOAA_GOES&IASI_IR – GPAF_GL02.1.0_JMA_MTSAT&IASI-AIRS_IR – GPAF_LL01.1.0_NOAA_MSUAMSU – GPAF_LL01.1.0_NOAA_PATMOS-x_AVHRR&MODIS
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 11 GPPA Exempt Clauses Exempt clauses to expedite the process from Demo to Pre-Op – Normally, positive comments from at least two potential product users are needed. If insufficient feedback is received during one year period, GCC will make the suggestion to the EP based on the GPAT's review comments. – In case of incomplete documentation that are not considered to jeopardize product quality by the GPAT and external users, GCC will make the suggestion to the EP based on the GPAT and users‘ feedback. However, all the required documentation should be completed and submitted for review in the pre-operational phase. – GSICS development community will continue to pursue other avenues to identify external users and seek their feedback as an important part of the review process
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 12 Special Case Handling Request Naming convention with GPAF_LL01.1.0_NOAA_MSUAMSU product Current product is to meet the NCDC CDR requirement, i.e. a different parameter naming convention, and operational at different server. GDWG chair proposed to provide the link at GSICS data server to the product website where the MSU/AMSU product is distributed. Product in netCDF format, consistent with GSICS product format requirement. The file name will be renamed following the GSICS filename convention to facilitate accessibility
2012/05/ /06/01 Slide: 13 Near-term Goals GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance Five demo products to Pre-Op phase Coordination o Continue to coordinate efforts to establish the GSICS baseline algorithms, especially those for the GEO solar reflective channels, o Continue to provide communication between the developing group and users GSICS Quarterly o Continue to create and distribute this important link to the GSICS community Update GSICS Operations Plan Meeting Support o Joint Meeting, GSICS 4 rd Users Workshop and GSICS Web Meetings