2011 GSICS Users' Workshop Tim Hewison 1 (1) EUMETSAT
Slide: 2 10 October GSICS Users' Workshop 2011 GSICS Users' Workshop will take place at EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, which will be held in Oslo EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 5 – 9 September 2011 Date of Users’ Workshop: 6 Sept 2011 TBC Time of Users’ Workshop: TBC Followed by Poster session – with GSICS Poster “ghetto” Registration for conference not a pre- requisite for attending the workshop Users are asked to register in advance to ensure admittance to the venue to help plan agenda
Slide: 3 10 October 2014 Agenda Items for Users’ Workshop Common Reference Channels Discuss!
Slide: 4 10 October 2014 Chairing Users’ Workshop Chairing Taking Minutes Invitees Issuing invitations Poster sessions
Slide: 5 10 October 2014 Common Reference Channels T. Hewison provided a short presentation on his work performed on common reference channels. These might be useful to generate a composite dataset – e.g. for visualisation purposes. The performed analysis on IR channels showed that the spectral conversion dominates the error budget. For VIS channels, the concept will be even more problematic. During the discussion it was questioned whether a real user requirement for such a product exists, noting the already performed activities. It was agreed to inform users at the next Users’ Workshop on these already ongoing activities to find out whether any user requirement exists which is not covered. No.TitleActionee(s)Due Date Action GRWG06_16 Compile a list of existing activities concerning composite satellite imagery All to provide to T. Hewison 31 Aug 2011
Slide: 6 10 October 2014 Strategy for LEO-LEO Inter-calibration LEO-LEO reference instruments could be IASI, AIRS, MODIS, GOME-2, and others. Applicable inter-calibration methods are SNOs, regional band normalisation, double differencing against NWP. It is noted that many activities have started in the past and are still ongoing in the area of LEO-LEO inter-calibration. The group concluded that the GRWG strategy here would be to review users’ requirements, identify already existing inter-calibration activities which meet these requirements and invite the relevant groups to submit their products for GSICS acceptance. GSICS users will be informed about this strategy. No.TitleActionee(s)Due Date Action GRWG06_22 Inform users on the adopted strategy for LEO- LEO inter-calibration T. HewisonUsers’ Workshop (Sept 2011)
Slide: 7 10 October 2014 Outcome of Daejeon Meeting No.TitleActionee(s)Due Date Action GRWG06_28 Contact Exec Panel regarding chairmanship of the Users’ Workshop J. LafeuilleNext Exec Panel Action GRWG06_29 Provide material on MERSI/MODIS to be presented at the Users’ Workshop L. Sun Users’ Workshop (Sept 2011) Action GRWG06_30 Provide material on MODIS, esp. the planned uncertainty index, to be presented at the Users’ Workshop X. Xiong Users’ Workshop (Sept 2011) Action GRWG06_31 Invitation of Users, e.g. through mailing list and as an announcement in the GSICS Quarterly B. IacovazziNext GSICS Quarterly, invitation 30 April 2011