World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water EC LXII DOC 6(1) Strategic Thrust: CAPACITY BUILDING ER – 9: Enhanced Capabilities of NMHSs in Developing Countries, particularly Least Developed Countries, to Fulfill their Mandates WMO
Development requirements for NMHSs (particularly LDCs and SIDs) Capacity Development through Strategic Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation for Regional Initiatives Education and Training – key recommendations from 24th EC Panel Of Experts on ETR WMO Country Profile Database Discussion
WMO Education and Training Consideration of reconfirmation of RTCs Suggested changes to the EC Criteria for recognition of RTCs Resource Mobilisation Approve the VCP (F) allocations for 2010 Endorse closure of WMO Revolving Fund Summary / Decisions
WMO Para 6.2 – 6.8 and INF 6 Major Initiatives supporting regional development programmes --- ongoing and pipeline– W. & E Africa, SE Asia, SE Europe, Caucus, C.Asia, Ibero-america, Pacific - Observations, data rescue & processing, telecoms Applications: agricultural, health, marine meteorology, DRR Governance: training in Management, Planning, Resource Mobilization and Advocacy Special emphasis on countries post conflict/crisis, and natural disasters Resource Mobilization, Development Cooperation & Partnerships
WMO Para 6.2 – 6.8 and INF 6 Major Development Partners World Bank (4 projects) European Commission Rockefeller Foundation ODA (US, Korea, Finland, Spain, Italy, Japan, ) VCP Partners (18 members) Private Sector (Communications, Aviation, Instrument) Resource Mobilization, Development Cooperation & Partnerships
Para 6.4, Preparation of NMHS development plans LDCs and SIDS -with national ownership and national priorities – (WMO + Partners) Vanuatu Kiribati Liberia Comoros ( Australia, New Zealand ) Further support required Resource Mobilization, Development Cooperation & Partnerships
Resource Mobilization, Development Cooperation & Partnerships: LDCs & SIDS Para 6.4, (cont) Socio-economic benefits valuation of weather, water and climate services (WMO + Partners) Hydro-electric power generation (Zambia) Agricultural and rural development (Kenya, Tanzania) Livestock development (Uganda) Ports and marine services (Mozambique) (Finland) Further support required Resource Mobilization, Development Cooperation & Partnerships: LDCs & SIDS
Para 6.5 Preparation for Fourth UN Conference on LDCs, Turkey, 2011 Brochures to publish Active participation required in: - Inter-Agency Coordination Group - Pre-conference events : WMO is sponsoring/ contributing agency for 2 events (Climate Change and Food Security) Special internal coordination and preparatory process to be established by SG Resource Mobilization, Development Cooperation & Partnerships: LDCs & SIDS
WMO Para 6.18 and related Annex VCP (F) allocation for 2010 Council is requested to approve VCP allocation Para 6.19 Revolving Fund Council is requested to approve cessation of RF mechanism and transfer of remaining funds to Emergency Assistance Fund Trust Funds
Notional Country Profile Database Information Content Country Profile Database Geopolitical Organizational Strategic Scientific & Technical Programmatic Capacity Development Monitoring and Evaluation Organization name, Legal/Administrative Basis of Operation, parent agency, number of employees, Number of forecaster/observers, name of divisions, etc. Organizational priorities, budget, expenditures, partner agencies, user sectors, challenges, needs, etc. Organizational capacities and requirements for observing, forecasting, issuance of warnings, hazard impacts and vulnerability, etc. WMO projects and initiatives, budget, expenditures, etc. Country name, territories, short history, Size and topography of country, population, climate etc. Training programmes, modernization projects, donors and contributing entities, etc. Information & Data on Members Key Performance Indicators (KPI) WIS operational statistics
Schematic for WMO Information Flow WMO Integrated Information, Storage and Retrieval WMO Databases Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Documentum Country Information & Data Integrated WMO Scientific & Technical Databases / Tables Standardized Reports Data Lists Queried Data and Information WMO CDB Portal Example Application Views Survey & Data Information Input Electronic Survey & Data Entry Databases Internal WMO Intranet Country Profile Database GTS performance information VCP Information Finance & Budget External input EC RAs Staff Public through the WMO website TCs Donors Collaborative Workspace CDB Users
WMO Para 6.21 – 6.22 Ongoing Development Survey and other software purchased and installed AEMET providing staff to support the development WMO Country Profile Data Base Country Profile Data Base & New DRA Website Side Meeting/Demonstration June 16th Salle B
WMO Education and Training issues for the 62 nd Session of EC are considered under: Document 6.1 Document 4.2 Education and Training
WMO Para 6.9 – Recommendations from EC Panel of Experts on Education and Training 24th Session, March 2010 Governance Task Teams RTCs Fellowships School and Popular Edn. Education and Training
WMO Recommendations concerning Governance Updated Terms of Reference (Doc 4.2 of EC-LXII) Panel Membership Should be active in the field Need to maintain balance: Geographic / Language / Cost Education and Training
WMO Recommended – Task Teams Dissolution of the Task Team on Aviation Forecaster Qualifications due to work being undertaken by CaEM Continue the Task Team on Distance and Online Learning Education and Training
WMO Recommended – Fellowships Offering fellowships in high priority areas Reminding Members that fellowships are not restricted to staff from NMHSs Not to support PR familiarisation visits to WMO from fellowship funds if ZNG Update fellowship manual Encouragement of Trust Fund activities Education and Training
WMO Recommended – School and Popular Edn. EC encourage Members to undertake further activities in this area In light of GFCS, support the GLOBE Student Climate Research Campaign through liaison with GLOBE country Co-ordinators Education and Training
WMO Recommended – RTCs Reconfirm RTCs in Argentina, Barbados, Costa Rica, Egypt, Kenya Delay reconfirmation of Madagascar to allow corrective actions Update the EC Criteria for reconfirmation / recognition of RTCs Continued processing of RTC nominations for Indonesia, Peru, and South Africa Recommend Qatar subject to final inspection visit Education and Training
Suggested text for para 6.10a ….With respect to reconfirmation of WMO RTCs, endorsed the Panel recommendation for the reconfirmation of the WMO Regional Training Centres (RTCs) in Argentina, Barbados, Costa Rica, Egypt and Kenya; and to delay the reconfirmation of the RTC in Madagascar to allow them time to implement the recommendations in the external assessment report. Council requested the Secretary- General to assist Madagascar implement the recommendations and, in conjunction with the Panel, provide Sixteenth Congress an update on the status of this RTC. In endorsing the reconfirmations the Council recalled the request of EC-LVIII that the EC Criteria for the recognition of RTCs be strictly applied when assessing new or existing training institutions. Education and Training
World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water THANK YOU WMO