DBCP 20 Workshop US NAVY Use of Storm Data
Tropical Storm warnings 96 hours prior warning needed Go/No sortie decisions Surface vessels and airborne assets Remain in port or evacuate? –Evacuation Orders for Grand Marianas Ship track diversions
USNS BOWDITCH Prior to Storm Destruction
Tropical Atlantic 2004 Storm Season
Buoy locations (1Sep04) U.S. Ports Buoy initial positions (Jul04) Hurricane Francis projected track (as of 1Sep04) Hurricane Francis
Hurricane Ivan actual track (as of 9 Sep 04) Buoy initial positions (Jul 04) Buoy current positions (9 Sep 04) Hurricane Ivan projected track (as of 9 Sep 04) Hurricane Ivan
Buoy initial positions (July & August 04) Buoy current positions (28 Sep 04) Hurricane Jeanne actual track as of 28 Sep 04 Hurricane Jeanne