Integrating Climate Information and Ecosystem Services into Coastal Zone Management Chantalle Clarke National Consultation on a Framework for Climate Services in Belize Belize City, BELIZE 30 th October – 1 st November 2013
A planning framework for national action to facilitate improved management of coastal and marine ecosystems so as to maintain their integrity while ensuring the delivery of ecosystem service benefits in perpetuity for present and future generations of Belizeans and the global community.
3 Km Zone of Influence
CURRENT HUMAN USES OF THE COASTAL ZONE 1. Fishing 2. Marine Transportation3. Coastal Development 4. Agriculture 5. Marine Recreation 6. Dredging 7. Agricultural Runoff 8. Oil Exploration
The Natural Capital Project Utilizes the framework of ecosystem services to: Help people understand what we get from nature Use that understanding to inform decisions Integrate conservation and human development needs
2.1 Coastal Area Planning & Development 2.2 Coastal Population & Growth 2.3 Coastal Vulnerability 2.4 Beach & Shoreline Management 2.5 Marine Traffic 2.6 Marine Pollution Control 2.7 Tourism & Recreation 2.8 Marine Dredging 2.9 Disaster Risk Management 2.10 Cultural Heritage Conservation The Framework STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To ensure the sustainable use of resources within the coastal zone STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To support integrated planning & management STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To build alliances for the benefit of Belizeans STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To manage and adapt to Climate Change 1.1 Coastal Research & Monitoring 1.2 Protected Areas 1.3 Mangrove Protection 1.4 Coastal Habitat & Species Conservation 1.5 Fisheries Management 1.6 Coastal Agriculture 1.7 Aquaculture & Mariculture 1.8 Minerals Extraction & Energy Development 3.1 Education, Awareness & Communication 3.2 Collaboration in Enforcement & Monitoring 3.3 Supporting Sustainable Coastal Economies 3.4 A National Network for Managing the Coast 4.1 Socio-ecological Vulnerability & Resilience 4.2 Socio-economic Adaptation Capacity 4.3 Prioritization of Ecosystem-based Adaptation 4.4 Governance as a Tool for Building Resilience
OPPORTUNITIES FOR FUTURE ANALYSES Climate Change Impacts on Additional Ecosystem Services Climate Change Impacts on Habitats and Resiliency Socio-Economic Considerations (Adaptive Capacity) Development of near-term climate scenarios (e.g vs. 2100) Expansion of climate scenario (storm intensity & frequency)
Coastal Zone Management Authority & Institute “Promoting the wise, planned use of Belize’s coastal resources” Chantalle Clarke Coastal Planner Princess Margaret Drive, P.O. Box 1884 Belize City, Belize Tel: (501) /(501) Fax: (501) Website: