Figure1 Upper-air Observation Network of JMA Nemuro Ishigakijima Minamidaitojima Naha Naze Kagoshima Fukuoka Yonago Sapporo Wakkanai Wajima Akita Minamitorishima Chichijima Hachijojima Sendai Tateno Shionomisaki ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Ryofu Maru Kofu Maru Seifu Maru Chofu Maru ● Upper-air Observating stations ◎ Upper-air Observating stations(GUAN) Observation ships
FIGURE2 Rawinsonde “ RS2-91 model” Converter (Temperature, Humidity) Converter (Pressure) Transmitter Pressure Sensor Humidity Sensor Battery Temperature Sensor 11cm 9cm 18cm 600g Balloon Parachute Rawinsonde 1.7m 7.5m 1.2m 7.5m SENSOR Pressure: Capacitive Aneroid Range 5 ~ 1050hPa Accuracy ±1hPa Temperature: Rod Thermistor Range -90 ~ +40 ℃ Accuracy ±0.5 ℃ Humidity: Capacitive thin film Range 0 ~ 100 % Accuracy ±7%(10 ~ 95%), ±10% TRANSMITTER Frequency 1680, 1673, 1687MHz Modulation Type A1D Transmitter Power 0.4W
1.4m 7.5m 1.2m 200g Balloon Parachute Rawin 発信器 断続式気圧計 注水電池 11cm 14cm 8cm FIGURE3 Rawin “ W92-model” Pressure Sensor Battery Transmitter PRESSURE SENSOR Baroswitch Aneroid TRANSMITTER Frequency 1680MHz Modulation Type A1D Transmitter Power 0.1W
Radome Antenna Controler, Angle Signal Converter Receiver Antena Primary Date Processor Secondary Date Processor Communication unit Sonde Signal Converter Operation Panel UPS Air Conditioner Disk Printer X-Y Plotter Antenna φ2m Parabolic Reflector Receiving Frequency 1660 ~ 1700MHz Tracking Method Mono Pulse Tracking Speed more than 10°/sec Tracking Accuracy Active: less than 0.2° FIGURE4 Ground Facilities of Upper-air Observation System “ JMA-91 model” Printer Disk
TABLE1 Classification of Upper-air Observations type operated by JMA 06UTC, 18UTC (15JST, 03JST) Surface to about 15km (100hPa) W92 Type Rawin 200g Balloon Parachute Unwinder ( used windy) Guide Light (used night ) Pressure Wind Direction Wind Speed Rawin (Radiowind) 00UTC, 12UTC (09JST, 21JST) 06 and/or 18 UTC : Under significant weather conditions including typhoon 12UTC (21JST) Surface to about 30km (10hPa) Surface to about 35km (5hPa) Normal Observation RS2-91 Type Rawinsonde 600g Balloon Parachute Unwinder ( used in windy condition) Guide Light (used at night ) High Altitude Observation 1200g Balloon ( GUAN ) *Meteorological Observation Vessels use GPS Radiosonde RS80-15G. Pressure Temperature Humidity Wind Direction Wind Speed Rawinsonde Observation Times Altitude Range Instruments Outputs Classification