Prosecution Group Luncheon June, 2011 Trademarks
Report to Congress on TM Litigation Tactics Engage the private sector about providing free or low- cost legal advice to small businesses via pro bono programs and IPR clinics; Engage the private sector about offering continuing legal education programs focused on trademark policing measures and tactics; and Enhance Federal agency educational outreach programs by identifying resources that enable small businesses to further their understanding of trademark rights, enforcement measures, and available resources for protecting and enforcing trademarks.
How to Collect $$ USPTO seeks comments on fee-processing methods: –1. comments or suggestions regarding the current fee- payment system and/or refund experiences? –2. Which existing payment methods are the most and least valuable? –3. Are there methods that we do not currently offer that would provide enhanced value and service? –4. How might we improve the online payment system?
TM Timelines
USPTO TM Activities Disclaimer practice roundtable – June 21 Performance metrics exceeding targets Trademark Dashboard available Pilot study on proposed rules for Examiners to request additional information regarding goods and services to ensure use New TM Deputy Commissioner Mary Denison –IP Atty in D.C., INTA Bd. Dirs., member TPAC
Private s an subscriber enjoys a reasonable expectation of privacy in messages that are stored, sent or received through an ISP the government must obtain a probable cause warrant before it can compel an ISP to turn over the contents of a subscriber's s – is the "technological scion" of regular mail –"[g]iven the fundamental similarities between and traditional forms of communication, it would defy common sense to afford s lesser Fourth Amendment protection." United States v. Warshak, 631 F.3d 266 (6th Cir. 2010),
This is Not a Red Cross On A White Background the "Red Cross Statute," 18 U.S.C. Sec prohibits unauthorized use of the emblem of the Greek red cross on a white ground, or any sign or insignia made or colored in imitation thereof. Examiner refused Kappa Alpha fraternity logo Penal statute so strictly construed: –We find that the mark clearly depicts a Greek red cross. However, we find that when the mark is viewed as a whole, the distinctive shield design upon which the Greek red cross appears cannot be said to be merely a white ground within the meaning of the statute. Also, we find that the presence of the prominent red letters KA on the shield further serves to to make the mark, when viewed in its entirety, more than merely the emblem of the Greek red cross on a white ground. In re Kappa Alpha Order, Serial Nos and (June 3, 2011) [not precedential].
Game Boy: No Go FlashBoy Nintendo opposes FlashBoy for hand-held video games –Game Boy is famous for 2(d) analysis staggering sales and advertising figures plus media recognition "[c]onsumers are likely to see the mark FLASH BOY, and believe that it is a version of GAME BOY intended to be used on or in connection with flash memory. Alternatively, they may believe that FLASH BOY is a 'speedier' version of GAME BOY." Applicant admitted that he did not have a business plan or any other documentation reflecting plans to "advertise, manufacture or otherwise use the mark FLASHBOY in commerce on the goods for which applicant seeks registration." = No Bona Fide Intent Nintendo of America, Inc. v. Adar Golad, Opposition No (May 31, 2011) [not precedential].
Contributory Dilution??? Coach sues flea market operator for allowing vendors who sell counterfeit products 12(b)(6): no such cause of action – DENIED –Very few cases, but at least two DCTs have allowed claim to be alleged (neither successful) –While there is no authority directly on point, there would seem to be no logical reason why the doctrine of contributory infringement should not apply to a claim under the federal antidilution law. J. Thomas McCarthy Coach Inc. v. Gata Corp., 98 USPQ2d 1911 (D.N.H. 2011)