So what is the U.S. doing during THE WAR?
How could FDR get elected to 2 nd term? US passed the Neutrality Acts :
Prohibited sale of American weapons to any country at war Prevented citizens from riding on ships belonging to any country at war
When WWII broke out in Asia (37) & Europe (39), Americans were divided about it
Interventionism: Policy of interfering in affairs of another nation Isolationism: Avoid conflicts & alliances with other nations
Most Americans were Isolationists when the war broke out in Europe…… This would change
FDR arranges deal with GB GB gets 50 US WWI destroyers US gets military bases for 99 years 1940
FDR introduces 1st peacetime draft in US history All men were forced to apply
Our boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars We will become an arsenal of democracy FDR
March 41 Pres. can lend or lease military supplies to any nation deemed vital to US defense Breaks Neutrality Acts
Fire Hose Analogy
US Navy ships to protect Lend-Lease shipments from German Wolf packs
Many US ships were sunk FDR orders subs sunk on sight
June 22, 41: Hitler attacks USSR AKA: Operation Barbarossa Violates?
1. Now a 2 front war 2. USSR is now an ally!
FDR extends Lend-Lease aid to USSR! Public objection WHY? Were helping Communists!
FDR & Churchill talk about post-war Idea of the United Nations is shared: An Intl org. to protect security of all nations