UNDP to PEN workshop - June Poverty – Environment links UNDP – Viet Nam
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Aims of presentation To inform re UNDP-VN program development on Sustainable Development To share plans and initial lessons from the Poverty-Environment Project (UNDP/MONRE)
UNDP to PEN workshop - June UN & sustainable development Global conferences, conventions Assembly: MDGs SD has many dimensions Covers more than one of the MDGs
UNDP to PEN workshop - June UNDP & sustainable development Sustainable human development UN coordination role Links, synergies between MDGs, targets? PEI: Tanzania, Viet Nam, Cambodia …
UNDP to PEN workshop - June UNDP in Viet Nam ( ) UNDAF Outcome 1. More equitable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth CPD Outcome 2. Viet Nam has adequate capacity to effectively reduce risks of, and respond to, natural disasters, particularly those affecting the most vulnerable communities and social groups CPD Outcome 3. Economic growth takes into account environmental protection and rational use of natural resources for poverty reduction. CPAP ……
UNDP to PEN workshop - June SD Outputs UNDP ( ) 1. DRM policies & strategies 2. Local DRM capacities 3. Institutional DRM capacities 1. Oversight capacities (NA, P.Councils) 2. Legal frameworks, strategies, plans 3. Institutional capacities re PE 4. Information: PE indicators & monitoring 5. Support local initiatives 6. Economic instruments
UNDP to PEN workshop - June UNDP-VN: environment Land degradation (CC) Biodiversity POPs Energy
UNDP to PEN workshop - June PEP & PEI The Poverty – Environment Initiative funds the Poverty Environment Project, with DFID, the UNDP and the GoVN The UNDP-VN managed preparation; is accountable to donors Implementation according to the ‘NEX modality’: MONRE is accountable to the Government and the UNDP
UNDP to PEN workshop - June PEP – Overall aim To strengthen Government capacity to integrate environment and poverty reduction goals into policy frameworks for sustainable development Five ‘Expected Outputs’ under three ‘Components’:
UNDP to PEN workshop - June PEP – Expected Outputs 1. Policy analysis, monitoring, advocacy 3. Sector coordination & partnership 2. Policy development O1.1 Knowledge & awareness of P-E (policy) links improved O1.2 Institutional M&E capacities strengthened O2.1 Institutional mechanisms for planning and policy making improved O2.2 Institutional capacities for developing legal instruments strengthened O3.1 MONRE capacity to coordinate donor support within a programmatic framework strengthened
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Needs CPRGS, NSEP, Agenda 21,..., but still policy and legislation gaps for reaching sustainable development outcomes Analytical capacities for evidence based policy and law making are weak The poverty agenda of the NR&E sector is weak, conceptually and in practice The links to growth of the NR&E sector are also weak, at policy level and in practice
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Needs (2) There are capacity constraints at all levels that undermine strategy implementation Understanding of poverty-environment linkages should improve, at all levels of authorities and amongst the people Policies & practices lack broad stakeholder participation Rights and access to assets of poor & vulnerable people should improve
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Assumptions Better environmental management is key to poverty reduction There are all sorts of PE nexuses that can be better reflected in laws, plans, and policies; and in programs, practice. There is scope for developing synergies between poverty reduction and improved NR&E management: ‘model development’ Micro–macro (practice-policy) links can improve a great deal, usefully.
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Pre-PEP Activities (a) O2.1: Institutional mechanisms for planning and policy making improved Joint Task Force (JTF) for the formulation of the NR&E Plan ( ) UNDP / PEP are active as JTF core group member UN provide suggestions for MDG related development targets and indicators, focused on P-E links
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Pre-PEP Activities (b) O2.2: Institutional capacities for developing legal instruments strengthened P-E in revised Law on Environment Protection (LEP) Support to MONRE: total budget is $150,000 (plus SIDA : $250,000) Draft to MONRE, the MoJ, and standing committee of the National Assembly (NA) The Office of the NA is now organising consultations
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Pre-PEP Activities (c) O2.2: Institutional capacities for developing legal instruments strengthened Scoping study Environmental Accounting The UNDP and MONRE (PEP) will bring various stakeholders together re next steps PEP-budget for a modest activity.
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Pre-PEP Activities (d) O3.1: MONRE capacity to coordinate donor support within a programmatic framework strengthened Support to ISG-E and TAG 2 UNDP not funding, but participates actively. TAG 2 on GPE-links; 3 co-chairs: MONRE/PEP; UNDP; MPI (Agenda 21). TAG 2 gets funding & support from PEP Consultants for TAG 2 / PEP are doing an inventory of ODA projects w/ GPE-links.
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Planned PEP Activities (e.g.) O1.1 Knowledge & awareness of P-E (policy) links improved 10 case studies & fact sheets on P-E links Develop investment models for adaptation, replication, and pilot / implement some models in 2 provinces Ideas?
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Planned PEP Activities (e.g.) O1.2 Institutional M&E capacities strengthened P-E indicators; refine national and local level targets related to MDG/ VDG 7 Should help to track policy impacts Establish or support a special policy analysis unit within MONRE Ideas?
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Planned PEP Activities (e.g.) O2.1: Institutional mechanisms for planning and policy making improved Recommend re P-E to the SED Plan , sector plans, provincial plans Document lessons and develop MONRE briefings on sectoral P-E issues Top priorities from the PEN studies?
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Planned PEP Activities (e.g.) O2.2: Institutional capacities for developing legal instruments strengthened Address P-E links in Biodiversity Law Address P-E links in a tax ordinance Develop mechanisms to ensure access of poor communities to the NEP fund Ideas?
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Planned-PEP Activities (e.g.) O3.1: MONRE capacity to coordinate donor support within a programmatic framework strengthened Review/ assess lessons on sector wide approaches, Trust Funds Prepare a roadmap to programmatic approach for fulfilling MONRE's mandates Many ideas!!
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Lessons from PEP (a) Project preparation funds and flexibility in approval of expenditures are important. The JTF has created enthusiasm, and MONRE and donors expect a good five year plan. Successful dialogue and advice on law formulation also because of MONRE openness. Collaboration between donors is essential for constructive policy dialogue. Development of Environmental Accounting takes time and building up of a ‘constituency’.
UNDP to PEN workshop - June Lessons from PEP (b) ‘New’ dialogue on environmental information access, awareness raising, popular participation A strong call for decentralisation, local capacity building, improving environmental governance Many apparent PE synergies at local level But PE links in environmental legislation and overall strategies are not obvious A challenge to enable micro synergies (‘models’) with macro policies: what are the triggers? priority investment? De facto rights to information, assets?