Panel II Efficient Court Administration SURVEY Commercial Enforcement and Insolvency Systems Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Routine Liquidation months 0% months 56% Longer than 30 months 44%
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Routine Rehabilitation Months 38% Months 13% Longer 49%
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Factors in selection process 0% 100% 0%10%90% 0%20%80% 0%20%80% 50%40%10% 60%0%40% 60%40%0% 70%20%10% 70%30%0% 100%0% 10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% 10. Diversity 9. Business Experience 8. Political Standing 7. Contribution to Community 6. Judicial Experience 5. Minimum Age 4. Character and Integrity 3. Legal Competence 2. Legal Experience 1. Educational Level AlwaysSometimesNever
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Attendance to Continuing Education 27 % Often 27 % Sometimes 46 % Never
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Appointment of Judges 100% judges are guaranteed security of tenure during their term of appointment 18% there is a probationary period before final appointment 55% there is a mandatory retirement age 91% there is a legally established mechanism for dismissal 100% there are accountability mechanisms for judges
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Review of Judicial Performance Regular review conducted by no regular review 18% regular review 82% 89% 11% 0% 11% 33% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Other Judges/judicial bodies Government body Bar Association or attorneys Private Organization(s) Public Organization(s) Other
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Public perception of court competence 0% 70% 20% 10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% ExcellentGoodMediocreBad ExcellentGoodMediocreBad
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Consistent interpretation of insolvency laws Frequently 82% Sometimes 9% Infrequently 9%
Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Enforcement of Insolvency Laws 91% general perception that courts are willing to enforce insolvency laws