SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The World Bank World Bank Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples Navin Rai Lead Social Development Specialist UNPFII Panel on Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures on Indigenous Peoples' Lands and Territories Bali, December 8, 2007
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT World Bank Policy on Indigenous Peoples 1982: OMS 2.34 – A “Do No Harm” Policy on Indigenous Peoples 1992 Policy - OD 4.20 – Required to tailor project benefits in a socially and culturally appropriate way 2005 Policy – OP/BP 4.10 – Requires Indigenous Peoples broad community support and recognition of customary land rights
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT World Bank Investment Projects Involving Indigenous Peoples – Under Supervision – By Regions
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT World Bank Investment Projects Involving Indigenous Peoples – Under Preparation – By Region
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT World Bank Group’s Work on Climate Change Mitigation Adaptation Climate Change Strategy under preparation Analysis of ‘climate footprint’ of the investment portfolio
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT World Bank Group’s Hydropower Strategy Attention to environmental and social management and cross-cutting issues, such as revenue management and benefit sharing across all stakeholders, retaining water flows to sustain the environment, and climate change
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT World Bank Group Annual Hydropower Financial Commitments Source: World Bank Group data, Washington DC, 2007
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Regional Distribution of World Bank Group Hydropower Projects Source: World Bank Group data, Washington DC, 2007
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Total cumulative volume of carbon funds managed by the World Bank Kyoto Protocol enters into effect Funds are entrusted to IBRD by parties with commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. Participants are governments and private sector companies. Kyoto Protocol entered into effect in 2005
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 13 million ha of forests are lost every year + degradation 20% of greenhouse gas emissions Carbon Finance can contribute a new source of recurrent revenues for forest protection and sustainable forest management UNFCCC: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Readiness: $100 m Pilot carbon purchases: $200 m > $1 b
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FCPF: Two Mechanisms Readiness READINESS FUND Capacity building Carbon Finance CARBON FUND Purchase of Emission Reductions
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Indigenous Peoples in Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 3 Regional Consultation Meetings in February 2008 Observer in the Governance Structure Member in Ad Hoc Technical Advisory Panels
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Indigenous Peoples in Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Consultations in the Readiness process and Carbon Finance process Special focus of capacity building effort in Readiness Mechanism Indigenous Peoples role in benefit sharing depending on country context