HAZUS Use for Emergency Management By Jamie Mitchem, Ph.D. and Thomas R. Mueller, Ph.D., GISP
California University of Pennsylvania Department of Earth Science Department of Earth Science B.A. in Geography: GIS and Emergency Management concentration B.A. in Geography: GIS and Emergency Management concentration Unique combination of geospatial technologies with emergency management issues Unique combination of geospatial technologies with emergency management issues
Courses Introduction to Geography Introduction to Geography Impacts and Sustainability of Tourism Impacts and Sustainability of Tourism Demographic Analysis Demographic Analysis Geographic Information Systems Geographic Information Systems GIS 2 GIS 2 Climatology Climatology Natural Hazards Natural Hazards Emergency Management Emergency Management Disaster Vulnerability Assessment Disaster Vulnerability Assessment Developing the Master Plan Developing the Master Plan
HAZUS - MH What is HAZUS? What is HAZUS? Software is titled HAZUS- MH or "Hazards U.S.– Multi-Hazard”Software is titled HAZUS- MH or "Hazards U.S.– Multi-Hazard” Standardized, nationally applicable, loss estimation methodology that uses PC- based geographic information system (GIS) software (ARCMap 9.X).Standardized, nationally applicable, loss estimation methodology that uses PC- based geographic information system (GIS) software (ARCMap 9.X). Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) software program for estimating potential losses from disasters.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) software program for estimating potential losses from disasters.
HAZUS - MH National Data - Census, Building, Infrastructure National Data - Census, Building, Infrastructure Science – Engineering, Economics, Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology, GIS Science – Engineering, Economics, Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology, GIS Models: Models: EarthquakeEarthquake FloodFlood Wind (Hurricane)Wind (Hurricane)
Displaced (Shelter) Population year Flood in Washington County, PA
100-Year Flood in California, PA
3RiversHUG What is the 3 Rivers HAZUS Users What is the 3 Rivers HAZUS Users Group (3RiversHUG)? Group (3RiversHUG)? Forum for southwestern Pennsylvania public, private, non-profit and academic organizations that use HAZUS software and related technologies to develop public policy and programs for building disaster-resistant communities.Forum for southwestern Pennsylvania public, private, non-profit and academic organizations that use HAZUS software and related technologies to develop public policy and programs for building disaster-resistant communities. 3RiversHUG Objectives: 3RiversHUG Objectives: To advance opportunities for training in the use of HAZUS-MH software and technology,To advance opportunities for training in the use of HAZUS-MH software and technology, To be a resource for hazard mitigation information and data,To be a resource for hazard mitigation information and data, To encourage and assist local governments in the establishment of hazard mitigation protocols,To encourage and assist local governments in the establishment of hazard mitigation protocols, To be a conduit for communication among public, private and third-sector (not-for-profit) institutions for hazard mitigation efforts and best management practices.To be a conduit for communication among public, private and third-sector (not-for-profit) institutions for hazard mitigation efforts and best management practices.
3RiversHUG - Activities Monthly meetings of Steering Committee Monthly meetings of Steering Committee Conference Calls with national group Conference Calls with national group Web page on Web page on Listserv Listserv Washington County HAZUS flood model for presentation to Flood Taskforce Washington County HAZUS flood model for presentation to Flood Taskforce Training Training Student projects, internships Student projects, internships Student chapter of 3RiversHUG Student chapter of 3RiversHUG
HAZUS Student Project HAZUS default schools database for Washington County, PA HAZUS default schools database for Washington County, PA Updated and added fields (number of stories, in floodplain?, shelter capacity, kitchen?, back-up power/generator) Updated and added fields (number of stories, in floodplain?, shelter capacity, kitchen?, back-up power/generator) Location data not good, updated with GPS Location data not good, updated with GPS Provided to 911 Coordinator Provided to 911 Coordinator Similar projects with other counties Similar projects with other counties
Better DEM (lidar) = better results Better DEM (lidar) = better results Aggregate data (out of box) = NOT site specific results (may be more or fewer buildings in floodplain if buildings are not evenly dispersed) Aggregate data (out of box) = NOT site specific results (may be more or fewer buildings in floodplain if buildings are not evenly dispersed) Missing/incorrect data Missing/incorrect data Model limitations Model limitations Human factor Human factor Computation Computation HAZUS Limitations
Resources s/index.shtm s/index.shtm s/index.shtm s/index.shtm Order HAZUS-MH (free)Order HAZUS-MH (free) Using HAZUS-MH ->Mitigation and recovery Planning -> MD and PA State Flood StudiesUsing HAZUS-MH ->Mitigation and recovery Planning -> MD and PA State Flood Studies FAQsFAQs TrainingTraining Success StoriesSuccess Stories Conference CallsConference Calls User GroupsUser Groups
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