Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course I. Introduction What Do We Mean By “Local Policy” General Police Power Session Outline Slide 35.1
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course II. Fundamental Powers of Local Governments Regulation Acquisition Taxation Spending Education III. Planning Session Outline Slide 35.2
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course IV. Types of Land Use Regulations Zoning Ordinances Subdivision Ordinances Building Codes Flood Damage Prevention Ordinances V. Acquisition and Management of Land Session Outline Slide 35.3
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course VI. Taxation and Fees Real Property Special Assessments Impact Fees Federal Internal Revenue Code VII. Spending Capital Improvement Programs and Budgets Urban Service Boundaries Public Investment for Growth Management Government Buildings and Facilities Session Outline Slide 35.4
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course VIII. Education The Need for Hazard Awareness Real Estate Disclosure Community Awareness Programs Hazard Maps Disaster Warning IX. “Living with the Shore” Session Outline Slide 35.5
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Local governments enact and enforce regulations that protect the public Health Safety General Welfare Local government power is derivative (Delegated by the State) General Police Power Slide 35.6
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Regulation Acquisition Taxation Spending Education Fundamental Powers of Local Government Slide 35.7
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Types of Local Plans Slide 35.8 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Floodplain Management Plans Stormwater Management Plans Emergency Response Plans Open Space and Recreational Plans Capital Improvement Plans Area Plans
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Divides the community into districts (zones) Zoning Ordinance Consists of: Zoning Map Text Zoning Slide 35.9
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Zone District Map Slide 35.10
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Zoning ordinance defines types of use allowed in each district Residential Multi-Family Single Family Commercial Industrial Public Schools Government Utilities Semi-Public Churches Types of Use Slide 35.11
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Zoning ordinance dictates specifications for use. Lot size Building height Set backs Parking spaces Density Zoning District Requirements Slide 35.12
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Strengths: Affects Characteristics of Future Development Designate Hazard Areas for Low-Intensity Uses Designate Safer Areas for Higher-Intensity Uses Conserve Natural Areas Zoning for Hazard Mitigation Slide 35.13
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Strengths: Lower Densities in Hazard Area Safeguard local tax base Population matches shelter capacity Decrease Evacuation Times Ease development pressures (easier to acquire) Prevent large structures from being built in high-hazard zones Prohibit Hazardous Materials in Floodplains Zoning for Hazard Mitigation Slide 35.14
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Weaknesses: Ineffective for protecting existing development in hazard areas Zoning is effective only if hazard maps are accurate Zoning is subject to legal and political challenges Lower density may mean lower tax revenues Lower density may increase cost of public services Zoning may change with political change Zoning must be strictly enforced to be effective Zoning for Hazard Mitigation Slide 35.15
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Control the division of land into parcels for development or sale Set construction and location standards within subdivisions Subdivision Regulations Slide 35.16
Local Policy I Typical Subdivision Slide Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Source: Julie Stein
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Lot siting Stormwater management Sediment control Amount of impervious surfaces Open spaces Emergency access Hydrological/geologic/engineering studies Street Design Infrastructure Design Provisions of Subdivision Regulations: Slide 35.18
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Streets Sidewalks Drainage control Dedication of Land Impact Fees Subdivision Regulations Require Project Improvements: Slide 35.19
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Building Codes Slide Laws that set standards and requirements for building construction: Structural integrity Design Construction materials and methods State or local adoption Uniform codes v. local codes
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Fire resistance Seismic safety Floodproofing High-wind resilience Building Codes can address hazard elements: Slide 35.21
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Must be strict, especially following disaster Inspection and enforcement often a local responsibility Post-storm moratoria allow proper damage assessment Building Code Enforcement Slide 35.22
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Prohibit or establish conditions for development in high risk areas Often prepared pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Regulations often pertain only to areas shown on Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance Slide 35.23
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Floodway must be free of obstructions All development in 100 year floodplain must obtain a permit New residential buildings must be elevated or floodproofed Nonresidential structures must be elevated above 100 year flood Post-storm reconstruction must meet current regulations Minimum NFIP Flood Prevention Ordinance Standards Slide 35.24
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Removes property from the development stream Homeowners and business owners are relocated out of harm’s way Land remains open space/recreation/greenway in perpetuity Less expensive in the long run than repeated reconstruction Acquisition of Hazard-Prone Property Slide 35.25
Local Policy I Session Name: Local Policy I Coastal Hazards Management Course Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (PDM) Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA) Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Federal Funding Programs for Acquisition and Relocation Slide 35.26