This session will introduce the basics of growth management techniques for the coastal zone. Session 22: Growth Management Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course Slide 22. 1, Lecture Outline (Source:
Introduction: Growth Management in the Coastal Zone Slide 22. 2, Introduction As coastal populations increase, there will be an increasing pressure for development in the coastal zone. There are several planning techniques and principles that can be used to guide future growth. The topics covered in this session include: Growth Management Smart Growth New Urbanism Regional Planning Sustainable Development Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: pings/sprawl.jpg) (Source: /contents/images/stories- cgi/American/2Sprawlville.JPG) (Source: owthamerica. com/images_ rehab.html)
Growth Management Slide 22. 3, Growth Management Growth management is a conscious government program intended to influence the rate, amount, type, location, and/or quality of future development and redevelopment. Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course
Growth Management Tools Slide 22. 4, Growth Management Regulations Land Acquisition Taxes Public Spending Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course
Growth Management Plans Slide 22. 5, Growth Management Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: (Source: Urban Growth Boundary Portland, Oregon Wedges and Corridors Montgomery County, Maryland
Smart Growth Slide 22. 6, Smart Growth Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course Growth that recognizes that connections between development and quality of life. It leverages new growth to improve the community. Time, attention and resources are invested into restoring the community and vitality of city centers. New growth is more town-centered, more pedestrian and transit-oriented, and includes a greater amount of mixed- use development.
Why do we need it? Slide 22. 7, Smart Growth Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course Unnecessary land consumption. Auto dependence. Fragmented open space, wide gaps between development. Lack of public spaces and community centers. Fragmented and dispersed communities. (Source: m/images/Sprawl_homes.jpg) (Source: prawl_presentation/slides_htm l/sld050.htm)
Smart Growth Principles Slide 22. 8, Smart Growth Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course Create range of housing opportunities & choices Create walkable neighborhoods Encourage community & stakeholder collaboration Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place Make development decisions predictable, fair & cost effective
Smart Growth Principles Slide 22. 9, Smart Growth Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course Continued… Mix land uses Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty & critical environmental areas Provide a variety of transportation choices Strengthen & direct development towards existing communities Take advantage of compact building design
Slide , Smart Growth Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: es/lantana/village_stree tscape.gif) Images of Smart Growth Create range of housing opportunities and choices
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: out-COAST.html) Images of Smart Growth Create walkable neighborhoods Slide , Smart Growth
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: meeting41%20sm.JPG) Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration Images of Smart Growth Slide , Smart Growth
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: Images of Smart Growth Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place Slide , Smart Growth
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: mueller/advise.htm) Images of Smart Growth Make development decisions predictable, fair & cost effective Slide , Smart Growth
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: size%20images/103 2a.JPG) Images of Smart Growth Mix land uses Slide , Smart Growth
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: reaphoto.htm) Images of Smart Growth Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty and critical environmental areas Slide , Smart Growth
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: ht/morristownerie jpg) Images of Smart Growth Provide a variety of transportation choices Slide , Smart Growth
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: nal/bpkaus.htm) Images of Smart Growth Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities Slide , Smart Growth
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: Images of Smart Growth Take advantage of compact building design Slide , Smart Growth
New Urbanism Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course Urban design movement originating in the late ’80s – early ’90s. Aims to reform all aspects of real estate development. Involves: new development, urban retrofits, and suburban infill. Affects both regional and local plans. Supports the creation and restoration of diverse, walkable, compact, mixed-use communities. Currently 500 “New Urbanist” projects in the U.S. alone, half in urban areas. Slide , New Urbanism
Principles of New Urbanism Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course 1.Walkability 2.Connectivity 3.Mixed-use & Diversity 4.Mixed-housing 5.Quality of Architecture & Urban Design 6.Traditional Neighborhood Structure 7.Increased Density 8.Transportation 9.Sustainability Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: ands.html) Principle 1: Walkability Principles of New Urbanism Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: ) Principles of New Urbanism Principle 2: Connectivity Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: ands.html) Principles of New Urbanism Principle 3: Mixed-use and diversity Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: ands.html) Principles of New Urbanism Principle 4: Mixed-housing Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: res/kentlands.html) Principles of New Urbanism Principle 5: Quality of architecture & urban design Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: eatures/kentlands.html) Principles of New Urbanism Principle 6: Traditional neighborhood structure Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: atures/kentlands.html) Principles of New Urbanism Principle 7: Increased density Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: yclist.jpg) Principles of New Urbanism Principle 8: Transportation Slide , New Urbanism
Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course (Source: /ecomuseum/boathouse.jpg) Principle 9: Sustainability Principles of New Urbanism Slide , New Urbanism
Regional Planning Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course Similar to “Urban Planning” definition but applied to an area which is defined by economic, ecological and/or social factors. Slide , Regional Planning
Key Issues Addressed Session 22: Growth Management Coastal Hazards Management Course Environmental quality (e.g., air and water) Affordable housing Transportation and transit systems Economic development Open space protection Intergovernmental coordination Slide , Regional Planning