NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.1 Unit 2: Resource Management Overview
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.2 Unit 2 Objectives Describe: The comprehensive approach to resource management. The concepts and principles that are the foundation of NIMS resource management.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.3 Mandates National Preparedness Management of Domestic Incidents Mandates
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.4 National Response Framework (NRF) Establishes a comprehensive, national, all-hazards approach to domestic incident response. Presents an overview of key response principles, roles, and structures that guide the national response. Includes the Core Document, Annexes, and Partner Guides. Replaces the National Response Plan.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.5 National Incident Management System What?... NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template... Who?... to enable Federal, State, tribal, and local governments, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work together... How?... to prepare for, prevent, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity... Why?... in order to reduce the loss of life and property, and harm to the environment.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.6 NIMS Components Preparedness Communications and Information Management Resource Management Command and Management Ongoing Management and Maintenance
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.7 Understanding Command and Coordination Command is the act of directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explicit authority. Coordination is the process of providing support to the command structure.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.8 Definition: Resources Resources include: Personnel. Teams. Facilities. Equipment. Supplies.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.9 What Is Resource Management? NIMS Resource Management: Provides a system for identifying available resources at all jurisdictional levels. Enables timely, efficient, and unimpeded access to resources needed to prepare for, respond to, or recover from an incident.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.10 Discussion Question Why is it important to track and report resource status?
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.11 NIMS Resource Management Concepts NIMS establishes a standardized approach for resource management, based on: ConsistencyStandardizationCoordination Use Information Management Credentialing
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.12 Consistency Resource management provides a consistent way to: Identify what resources are needed to meet incident objectives. Acquire needed resources. Allocate resources according to priority. Track resource availability and status.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.13 Standardization Resource management includes standardized systems for classifying resources by: Category. Type. Kind. You’ll learn more about standardization in Unit 4: Resource Typing and Readiness.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.14 Coordination Resource management includes coordination to: Allocate scarce resources. Mobilize resources. Ensure interagency and interjurisdictional coordination. Make policy decisions to support incidents. You’ll learn more about coordination in Unit 5: Resource Management During Incidents.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.15 Use Resource management planning efforts incorporate use of all available resources from: All levels of government. Nongovernmental organizations. The private sector. You’ll learn more about planning in Unit 3: Resource Management Planning.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.16 Information Management Resource management integrates communications and information management elements into its: Organizations. Processes. Technologies. Decision support.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.17 Credentialing Resource management includes credentialing to ensure consistent standards for: Current certification, license, or degree. Training and experience. Competence or proficiency. You’ll learn more about credentialing in Unit 4: Resource Typing and Readiness.
NIMS Resource Management IS-703.A – August 2010 Visual 2.18 Unit Summary NIMS establishes a standardized approach for resource management, based on: Consistency. Standardization. Coordination. Use. Information Management. Credentialing.