Level E Unit 2 Vocabulary.


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Presentation transcript:

Level E Unit 2 Vocabulary

ADROIT Connotation: neutral Etymology:1650s, "dexterous," originally "rightly," from Fr. phrase à droit "according to right," from O.Fr. à "to" + droit "right,"

AMICABLE Connotation: positive Etymology: from Late Latin amīcābilis,  from Latin amīcus  friend; related to amāre  to love Word Structure: adjective suffix –able means “able, capable of”

AVERSE Connotation: negative Etymology: 1590s, "turned away in mind or feeling," from L. aversus, pp. of avertere (like avert). Originally and usually in Eng. in the mental sense, while avert is used in a physical sense. Word Structure: Latin root –vers- means “turn”

BELLIGERENT Connotation: negative Etymology: from Latin belliger , from bellum  war + gerere  to wage Word Structure: noun suffix –ent means “one who does something”

BENEVOLENT Connotation: positive Etymology: late 15c., "wishing to do good, kindly," from O.Fr. benevolent, from L. benevolentem "wishing (someone) well," related to benevolentia "good feeling" Word Structure: Latin prefix bene- means “good;” Latin root –vol- means “wish;” noun suffix –ent means “one who does something”

CURSORY Connotation: neutral Etymology:c.1600, from M.Fr. cursoire "rapid," from L.L. cursorius "of a race or running," from L. cursor "runner," from cursum, pp. of currere "to run"

DUPLICITY Connotation:negative Etymology:from L.L. duplicitatem "doubleness," in M.L. from duplex "twofold." The notion is of being "double" in one's conduct. Word Structure: Latin root -dupl- means “double”; noun suffix –ity means “act of”

EXTOL Connotation: positive Etymology: late 15c., "to lift up," from L. extollere, from ex- "up" + tollere "to raise"

FEASIBLE Connotation: neutral Etymology: mid-15c., from Anglo-Fr. faisible, from O.Fr. faisible, from fais-, stem of faire "do, make," from L. facere "do, perform" Word Structure: adjective suffix –ible means “able, capable of”

GRIMACE Connotation: negative Etymology: French ≪ Frankish grima  mask; of Germanic origin; related to Spanish grimazo  caricature

HOLOCAUST Connotation: negative Etymology: from Late Latin holocaustum  whole burnt offering, from Greek holokauston,  from holo-  whole + kaustos,  from kaiein  to burn]

IMPERVIOUS Connotation: neutral Etymology:1650, from L. impervius "that cannot be passed through," from in- "not" + pervius "letting things through," from per "through" + via "road." Word Structure: prefix im- means “not;” adjective suffix –ous means “marked by”

IMPETUS Connotation: neutral Etymology: from Latin: attack, from impetere  to assail, from im-  (in) + petere  to make for, seek out Word Structure: prefix im- means “not;”

JEOPARDY Connotation: negative Etymology: from Old French jeu parti,  literally: divided game, hence uncertain issue, from jeu  game, from Latin jocus  joke, game + partir  to divide

METICULOUS Connotation: neutral Etymology:1530s, from L. meticulosus "fearful, timid," lit. "full of fear," from metus "fear". Sense of "fussy about details" is first recorded in English 1827. Word Structure: adjective suffix –ous means “marked by”

NOSTALGIA Connotation: neutral Etymology: from Gk. nostos “a return home" + algos "pain, grief, distress“

QUINTESSENCE Connotation: neutral Etymology: early 15c., in ancient and medieval philosophy, "pure essence, substance of which the heavenly bodies are composed," lit. "fifth essence," from M.Fr. quinte essence (14c.)

RETROGRESS Connotation: neutral Etymology: Latin retrōgressus  past participle of retrōgradī  to go back or backward, equivalent to retrō- + gred-, combining form of gradī  to step, go Word Structure: prefix re- means “back, again”

SCRUTINIZE Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1670s, from scrutiny Word Structure: verb suffix –ize means “to cause, make”

TEPID Connotation: neutral Etymology: c.1400, from L. tepidus "lukewarm," from tepere "be warm"