Level E Vocabulary Unit 6
Accede Connotation: neutral Etymology: mid-15c., from L. accedere "approach, enter upon," from ad- "to" + cedere "go, move"
Brandish Connotation: neutral Etymology: mid-14c., from O.Fr. brandir "to flourish (a sword)" (12c.), from brant "blade of a sword, prow of a ship"
comprise Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1423, from O.Fr. comprendre "to contain, comprise," from L. comprehendere “comprehend”
deft Connotation: positive Etymology: O.E. gedæfte "mild, gentle"
destitute Connotation: negative Etymology: c.1382, from L. destitutus "abandoned," destituere "forsake," from de- "away" + statuere "put, place"
explicit Connotation: neutral Etymology: c.1600, from Fr. explicite, explicare "unfold, unravel, explain," from ex- "out" + plicare "to fold"
extirpate Connotation: neutral Etymology: from Latin exstirpāre to root out, stirps = root
inopportune Connotation: negative Etymology: 1533, from L.L. inopportunus "unfitting," from in- "not" + opportunus
ironic Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1620–30; Late Latin īrōnicus; Greek eirōnikós dissembling, insincere
musty Connotation: negative Etymology: 1530, perhaps a variant of moisty "moist, damp"
officious Connotation: negative Etymology: 1565, "zealous, eager to serve," from L. officiosus "dutiful," from officium "duty, service" (see office). Sense of "meddlesome, doing more than is asked or required" had emerged by 1600 (in officiously).
ominous Connotation: negative Etymology: 1580s, from L. ominosus "full of foreboding," from omen
pinnacle Connotation: positive Etymology: c.1300, from O.Fr. pinacle (1261), from L.L. pinnaculum "gable," dim. of pinna "peak, point"
premeditated Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1540–50; < Latin praemeditātus to contemplate in advance.
rampant Connotation: negative Etymology: from O.Fr. ramper "to creep, climb" KUDZU
solace Connotation: positive Etymology: late 13c., from O.Fr. solas, from L. solari "to console, soothe"
stately Connotation: positive Etymology: "noble, splendid," late 14c., from state in a sense of "costly and imposing display" (such as benefits a person of rank and wealth), early 14c.; a sense also preserved in the phrase to lie in state "to be ceremoniously exposed to view before interment" (1705). Hence also stateroom (1703), reserved for ceremonial occasions
supple Connotation: positive Etymology: c.1300, from O.Fr. souple "pliant, flexible," from L. supplex "submissive, humbly begging," literally "bending, kneeling down"
suppress Connotation: negative Etymology: from L. supprimere "press down, stop, check, stifle," from sub "down, under" + premere "push against"
venal Connotation: negative Etymology: from L. venalis "that is for sale," from venum "for sale"