Level E Unit 9
Allocate Connotation: Neutral Etymology: from L. ad- "to" + locare "to place"
Ardent Connotation: Positive Etymology: from L. ardentem prp. of ardere "to burn"
Assiduous Connotation: Positive Etymology: L. from ad "to" + sedere "to sit"
brash Connotation: Negative Etymology: 16c. Scottish brash = "attack, assault"
capricious Etymology: Connotation: It. capriccioso, from capriccio meaning "sudden start or motion," apparently from capro "goat," from L. capreolus "wild goat.” Connotation: Negative
chastise Connotation: Negative Etymology: 1275–1325; Middle English chastisen, to chasten = to make chaste, decent
copious Connotation: Neutral Etymology: Latin cōpiōsus well supplied, from cōpia abundance, from ops wealth
deviate Connotation: Negative Etymology: Late Latin dēviāre to turn aside from the direct road, from de- + via road
emaciated Connotation: Negative Etymology: Latin ēmaciāre to make lean, from macer thin
exult Connotation: Positive Etymology: Latin exsultāre to jump or leap for joy, from saltāre to leap
gnarled Connotation: Negative Etymology: probably variant of knurled = M.E. knor "knot"
indemnity Connotation: Neutral Etymology: L. indemnis "unhurt, undamaged," from in- "not" + damnum "damage."
inkling Connotation: Neutral Etymology: c.1400, apparently from the gerund of M.E. verb inclen "utter in an undertone" (mid-14c.), which perhaps is related to O.E. inca "doubt, suspicion."
limpid Connotation: Positive Etymology: L. limpidus "clear," from limpa "water goddess, water;" probably cognate with lympha "clear liquid"
omnipotent Connotation: Positive Etymology: L. from omnis "all" + potens "powerful"
palatable Connotation: Positive Etymology: 1660s, "good-tasting," from palate + -able
poignant Connotation: Positive Etymology: Latin pungens pricking, from pungere to sting, pierce, grieve
rancor Connotation: Negative Etymology: L. rancorem "rancidness, grudge, bitterness," from L. rancere "to stink"
sophomoric Connotation: Negative Etymology: 1805-15, Americanism; sophomore + -ic; probably by influence of folk etymology derivation from Gk. sophos "wise" + moros "foolish, dull."
spontaneous Connotation: Neutral Etymology: from Latin sponte voluntarily