U.S. Holocaust Memorial Photos
German soldiers march into Warsaw with bayonets, October 1939
Kristallnacht, 1938 – onlookers watch synagogue burning
Jewish mothers at the Landesburg Displaced Persons camp
U.S. Soldiers look upon the charred remains of Ohdruff concentration camp
Mauthausen camp survivors cheer American liberators, May, 1945
Women at Auschwitz sort through shoes from a shipment of Hungarian Jews
Jewish student is marched across a bridge in Marburg carrying a sign saying. “I defiled a Christian woman.”
Jewish mother and children march towards the gas chamber at Auschwitz following the selection process upon entry
Ukranian Jew being executed By German EInsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads) in the Soviet Union, 1942
Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis near Cuba, The ship was eventually turned away by several nations and passengers were sent to concentration camps
Roma (Gypsies) in the Belzec forced labor camp, 1942
Inmates carry stones up the “staircase of death” in the Mauthausen concentration Camp, Austria, 1942
Jewish partisans in the forests of Lithuania,
Spectators give the Nazi salute at a rally in Nuremberg, 1938
Germans on a busy street in Berlin read posters warning them not to buy products from Jewish merchants
Prisoners from Dachau on a death march to Wolfrathausen, April, 1945
Aerial view of Auschwitz II (Birkenau), Poland, 1944
Hadamar Institute and Sanitorium where the Nazis carried out their Euthanasia program Spring 1945
Two young boys from the Kovno ghetto before their roundup and transport
Vendors at the market in the Lodz ghetto, Poland, circa 1944
Triangular purple badges worn by Jehovah’s Witnesses in the concentration camps
Shoes collected from prisoners at the Majdanek concentration camp