1 Washington Wellness April 17, 2008 Jan Paul, LMHC, CEAP Manager WA State Employee Assistance Program Department of Personnel Washington State Employee Assistance Program – Your EAP
2 Overview of Services Assessment, problem-solving & referral services for employees & family members Work consultations to employees, management & HR Presentations to promote health, wellness & productivity Case management; Behavioral Risk Management; Threat Assessment or FFD Services; Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) services Critical Incident Management (CIM) Interagency Mediation Program (IAMP) Employee Assistance Program
3 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Traditional EAP core technology functions and EAP-related services (Value-Added Services) Critical Incident Management Services Drug Free Workplace (DFWP) Change Management Assistance Behavioral Risk Management Coordination Interagency Mediation Program (IAMP) Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Services (Federal DOT) Return-to- Duty Assistance/ Last Chance Contracts Family/Medical Leave Act (FMLA) 24-Hour Line Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Grief & Loss Support Legal/Financial Referral Violence Prevention/ Threat Assessment/ FFD EAP Core Technology (Best Practice) Functions: The presence of the EAP core technology is essential to EAPs #1 Consultation with, training of, and assistance to work organization leadership (managers, supervisors, and union stewards) seeking to manage the troubled employee, enhance the work environment, and improve employee job performance; and, outreach to and education of employees and their family members about availability of EAP services. #2 Confidential and timely problem identification/assessment services for employee clients with personal concerns that may affect job performance. #3 Use of constructive confrontation, motivation, and short-term intervention with employee clients to address problems that affect job performance. #4 Referral of employee clients for diagnosis, treatment, and assistance, plus case monitoring and follow-up service. #5 Consultation to work organizations in establishing and maintaining effective relations with treatment and other service providers, and in managing provider contracts. #6 Consultation to work organizations to encourage availability of and employee access to employee health benefits covering medical and behavioral problems, including, but not limited to, alcoholism, drug abuse, and mental and emotional disorders. #7 Identification of the effects of EAP services on the work organization and individual job performance.
4 What is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a worksite-based program designed to assist: Managers, supervisor, HR working with difficult employee performance/behavioral issues. “Employee clients" in identifying and resolving personal problems, including, but not limited to, health, marital, family, financial, alcohol, drug, legal, emotional, stress, or other personal issues that may affect job performance. Employee Assistance Program
5 Why does the state offer an EAP? It’s smart business. If you’re doing well and day-to-day problems aren’t a distraction, you are more likely to be alert, motivated and concentrating on your job. It costs more to hire and train a new employee than it does to help and keep a current employee. We care about our employees. It’s that simple. AQs.htm AQs.htm Employee Assistance Program
6 EAP helps with all sorts of problems: Emotional Family Marital Stress Financial Substance Abuse Legal Workplace Domestic Violence Conflict with coworkers or supervisors Elder Care Risky situations Depression Gambling Employee Assistance Program
7 Is the EAP Confidential? Yes, unless there are exceptions by policy or law: Imminent risk: danger to self or another Abuse or neglect: children, elderly, or developmentally disabled Damage or destruction to state property Court Ordered assessment or subpoena Signed Authorization by client Referral by management for work performance concerns Employee Assistance Program
8 How does the EAP work for employees? Assessment, short term problem resolution, referral No charge Voluntary Confidential Visit the “Employee” pages of our EAP website Employee Assistance Program
9 How does the EAP work with supervisors? Management Consultation about difficult employee behavioral problems Referral to the EAP Employee Orientation/Supervisor Training Brief Presentations Critical Incident Response – Sudden death of employees – Critical or traumatic situations at work Support/consolation for supervisors working with “risky” behaviors at work Employee Assistance Program
10 Can employees be required to go? No – RCW : Attendance at the EAP is voluntary. Employee assistance program -- *Director of human resources -- Duties. The *director of human resources shall: (1) (2) (3)Encourage and promote the voluntary use of the employee assistance program by increasing employee awareness and disseminating educational materials; Employee Assistance Program
11 Types of Referrals Self Initiated by employee or dependent. Informal Suggestion based on concern or prevention. Consult with EAP early before it becomes a problem. Formal The problem has affected the job: attendance, performance, conduct problems. Component of “just cause” disciplinary action. Non-involvement is not to be used as basis of disciplinary action Miscellaneous or personal leave/consult with WAC 357 & CBA. Employee Assistance Program
12 Can employees use state time to go to the EAP? Yes – Civil Service Rules: Chapter ; Must an employer grant leave with pay for other miscellaneous reasons such as to take a state examination? (1) Leave with pay must be granted to an employee: (a) To allow an employee to receive assessment from the employee advisory service; Employee Assistance Program
13 What issues do supervisors talk with the EAP about? High Risk Issues: Critical Incident Mgt – 35% Crisis Intervention – 35% Domestic Violence – 4% DOT Substance Abuse– 2% Fit for Duty/Threat Assess – 10% Sexual Harassment – 4% Violence at Work – 10% Employee Assistance Program
14 Presenting Problems vs. Assessed Problems Supervisors don’t have to be counselors too. It is good supervision to manage the work performance and refer possible underlying personal problems to the EAP. An employee’s stated problem is not always the true underlying problem. Primary Presenting Problem Primary Assessed Problem 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Addictions Emotional Financial/Legal Marriage/Family Physical/Medical Work-related Issues 6% 22% 20% 38% 3% 2% 22% 14% 4% 5% 44% 19% Employee Assistance Program
15 Response Review / Plan Revision Before Contingency Planning Follow-Up After Post Incident Response During Responding Response Review / Plan Revision Befor e Contingency Planning Follow-Up After Post Incident Response During Responding
16 Can the EAP help with conflict? Interpersonal conflict can lead to decreased staff morale and decreased productivity. The EAP can assist in addressing these issues through the Interagency Mediation Program (IAMP). Interagency Mediation Program /InteragencyMediationProgram.htm Employee Assistance Program
17 InterAgency Mediation Program (IAMP) A consortium of 18 state agencies with trained and certified mediators Coordinated by the Employee Assistance Program Provides a proven alternative for member agency employees and employers to resolve all levels of workplace conflicts in a confidential, safe and neutral environment 91% Settlement Agreements (Satisfaction) through IAMP Employee Assistance Program
18 What else can the EAP help me with? Assistance for you and your workgroup should one of your employees die. alIncidentResponse.htm alIncidentResponse.htm Crisis Intervention and assistance with risk assessment htm htm rkplace/ rkplace/ Supervisor Newsletters letters/ letters/ Critical Incident Management Services. Supporting you as a manager to do your job managing an impacted work group. The EAP also provides direct help to he workplace. alIncidentResponse.htm alIncidentResponse.htm Employee Assistance Program
19 The EAP works Client feedback summaries show: Overall Satisfaction with the Employee Assistance Program = 90% Employee Assistance Program
20 When an employee asks for help... Do you have a question? Do you need a sounding board? Does a problem impact your life? Are you experiencing signs of stress? Are there attendance, performance or conduct problems on the job? Is your family in need of help? Call your WA State Employee Assistance Program. Employee Assistance Program
21 When to call the EAP - Managers You have a difficult employee performance issue You need to talk about approaching an employee with a problem Supervisors are encouraged to refer employees to the EAP when it has been identified that an employee’s personal matters have begun to negatively impact his or her work performance. You also are experiencing a personal problem Call your WA State Employee Assistance Program. Employee Assistance Program
22 How do I contact the EAP? Seattle: Olympia: Spokane: Toll Free: /7 Access: Employee Assistance Program