ENGT 122 – CAD I Chapter 3 – Draw Commands
Outline Chapter 3 – Draw Commands Drawing Arcs Drawing Rectangles Drawing Ellipses Drawing Polygons Drawing Polylines Drawing Points
Drawing Arcs Arc – A portion of a circle. There are 11 different methods for creating an arc which involve various combinations of the following inputs; Start Point End Point Intermediate Point Center Point Radius Included Angle Chord Length Start Interm. End Center Center Radius Angle Chord Why so many options?Why so many options? How do you know which is the start point and which is the end point?How do you know which is the start point and which is the end point?
Drawing Arcs Arc commands issued from Command line and Toolbar are identical. Both require interactive data input and option selection using the keyboard. For Arc command issued from drop down menu options are pre-selected. Input data is input sequentially according to the prompts no additional option selection is required.
Drawing Arcs 3-Point (default method) Input: Start Point, Intermediate Point, End Point. P1P2 P3 Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: P1 Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: P2 Specify end point of arc: P3 *Note: arc direction determined by 2 nd point. May go CW or CCW. P1 P2 P3
Demo 0: Open file Demo-Arcs.dwg. Demonstrate 3-Point ARC command.
Exercise 1: Draw the two arcs shown using the 3 Point option. Points can be entered by absolute coordinates, relative coordinates, or a mixture of both. If you have time, try to generate a circle from a single 3 point arc. Notice the limitations? Grid spacing = 1 unit Origin (0,0)
Drawing Arcs Start, Center, End Input: Start Point, Center Point, End Point. Arc is drawn from start to end about center. Radius = distance from Start to Center point. End Point not necessarily on arc. Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: P1 Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: C Specify center point of arc: P2 Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: P3 P1P2 P3
Drawing Arcs Center, Start, End Input: Center Point, Start Point, End Point. Same as (Start, Center, End) option except for order of input. Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: C Specify center point of arc: P1 Specify start point of arc: P2 Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: P3 P1P2P3
Drawing Arcs Start, Center, Angle Input: Start Point, Center Point, Included Angle. Radius = distance from Start to Center point. Pos. Angle - arc is drawn from start about center. Neg. Angle - arc is drawn from start about center. Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: P1 Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: C Specify center point of arc: P2 Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: A Specify included angle: 3 P1P2 Ө3Ө3Ө3Ө3
Drawing Arcs Center, Start, Angle Input: Center Point, Start Point, Included Angle. Same as (Start, Center, Angle) option except for order of input. Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: C Specify center point of arc: P1 Specify start point of arc: P2 Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: A Specify included angle: 3 P1P2 Ө3Ө3Ө3Ө3
Demo 1: Open file Demo 1.dwg. Demonstrate ARC command: 3 Point Start, Center, End Center, Start, End Start, Center, Angle Center, Start, Angle
Drawing Arcs 3-Point Arc P1P2 P3 P1P2 P3 St, C, Ang or C, St, Ang Radius = P1 to P2 Pos. Angle from P1 Neg. Angle from P1 St, C, End or C, St, End Radius = P1 to P2 Arc from P1 P1P2 Ө3Ө3Ө3Ө3 Quick Review
Exercise 2: Create the pink objects shown. For the arcs, use the indicated arc command options. Use Relative Coordinates as much as possible Grid spacing = 1 unit 0 3-Point St,C,End St,C,Angle
End Lesson 7
Drawing Arcs Start, Center, Length Input: Start Point, Center Point, Chord Length. Radius = distance from Center to Start point. Arc is always drawn from start about center. Pos. Chord – Minor Arc (< 180 °). Neg. Chord – Major Arc (> 180 °). Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: P1 Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: C Specify center point of arc: P2 Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: L Specify length of chord: L3 P1 P2 L3 L3 Positive - Minor Arc
Drawing Arcs Start, Center, Length Arc always from start point. Extent of arc depends on sign of Chord Length. P1 P2 L3 Pos. Length L3 Minor Arc P1 P2 L3 Neg. Length L3 Major Arc
Drawing Arcs Center, Start, Length Input: Center Point, Start Point, Chord Length. Same as (Start, Center, Length) option except for order of input. Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: C Specify center point of arc: Center Specify start point of arc: Start Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: L Specify length of chord: Length P1 P2 L3 L3 Positive - Minor Arc
Exercise 3: Draw a line from (4,2) to (4,6). This is the chord of the 2 arcs shown. Use the Cntr,St,Length option to draw the blue minor arc. Then use the Cntr,St,Length option to draw the red major arc that completes the first arc to form a full circle. (4,2) Center=(3,4) Chord = 4 (4,6)
For Minor Arc: Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: C Specify center point of arc: 3,4 Specify start point of arc: 4,2 Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: L Specify length of chord: 4 Exercise 3: Solution For Major Arc: Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: C Specify center point of arc: 3,4 Specify start point of arc: 4,6 Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: L Specify length of chord: -4 (4,2) Center=(3,4) Chord = 4 (4,6)
Drawing Arcs Start, End, Angle Input: Start Point, End Point, Included Angle. Pos. Angle - arc is drawn from start to end. Neg. Angle - arc is drawn from start to end. Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: P1 Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: E Specify end point of arc: P2 Specify center point of arc or [Angle/Direction/Radius]: A Specify included angle: 3 P1 P2 Ө3Ө3Ө3Ө3
Drawing Arcs Start, End, Direction Input: Start Point, End Point, Starting Direction. Starting Direction – gives starting direction for arc by specifying direction of a tangent line. Starting Direction defined by angle (with respect to pos. x-axis) or point defining line direction from Start Point. Start direction determines or arc. Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or [Center]: P1 Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: E Specify end point of arc: P2 Specify center point of arc or [Angle/Direction/Radius]: D Specify tangent direction for the start point of arc: 3 P1 P2 Ө3Ө3Ө3Ө3
Demo 2: Open file Demo 2.dwg. Demonstrate Start, End, Direction option for ARC command to achieve tangency.
Exercise 4: Draw the red line. Then use the Start,End,Direction option of the ARC command to create an arc tangent to the line and through the given point. If you have time, use the same options to complete the circle. Point
Create the yellow arc using the Start, End, Direction option. Use the following data; Start Point P1 = (4,2) End Point P2 = (5,8) Direction Angle = 30º Then create the pink arc using the Start, End, Direction option which completes the circle. Exercise 5: P1P230
Exercise 5: Solution P1P230 Create the yellow arc using the Start, End, Direction option. Use the following data; Start Point P1 = (4,2) End Point P2 = (5,8) Direction Angle = 30º Then create the pink arc using the Start, End, Direction option which completes the circle. Command: Arc Specify start point of arc or [Center]: 4,2 Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: E Specify end point of arc: 5,8 Specify center point of arc or [Angle/Direction/Radius]: D Specify tangent direction for the start point of arc: 210
Drawing Arcs Start, End, Radius Input: Start Point, End Point, Radius. Arc always from Start point. Positive Radius Minor Arc. Negative Radius Major Arc. Command: Arc Specify start point of arc or [Center]: P1 Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: E Specify end point of arc: P2 Specify center point of arc or [Angle/Direction/Radius]: R Specify radius of arc: Rad P1 P2 +Rad. -Rad Major Arc Minor Arc
Demo3/Exercise: Draw the green & red objects by creating each segment in the order shown; A first, then B, etc. Use symbol to snap to the previous point. For arcs B and D use St,End,Dir A B C D E F Start Point *This is a demo/exercise using Demo3.dwg For arc F use St,End,Rad. Proceed carefully to avoid any mistakes!!!
End Lesson 8
Drawing Arcs (11) Continue Option Input: End Point Only. Requires a pre-existing line or arc. Arc is drawn tangent to end point of previous line or arc and ends at defined point. Command: Arc Specify start point of arc or [Center]: [Enter] Specify end point of arc: P1 P1 P1 Pre-ExistingLine Pre-ExistingArc *Note - A line can be drawn tangent to a pre-existing arc using the same concepts.
Demo: Show Continue option for Arc. Pre-existing arc. Pre-existing line. Show Continue option for Line. Pre-existing arc. Pre-existing line. Show difference between continue option [Enter]
Exercise 6: For the “S” use Start,End,Radius for the blue arc. Then complete the figure using the Continue option for the pink arc. If you have time, create the curly cue using a 3-point arc to start the figure and multiple continue options to complete the figure.
Exercise 7: Create the drawing shown using the indicated arc options. Use relative coordinates when possible.
Drawing Rectangles 3 Methods to specify a Rectangle: Default - specify by 2 diagonal corner points. Area – specify area and length or width of one side. Dimensions – specify length and width of sides. A rectangle is a single object consisting of 4 grouped lines. Must “Explode” before single line can be erased or modified. Default - Corner Points Method: Command: RECTANGLE Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: P1 Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: P2 P1 P2
Drawing Rectangles Area Method: Command: RECTANGLE Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: P1 Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: A Enter area of rectangle in current units : Area Calculate rect dims based on [Len/Width] : L or W Enter rectangle length : Length or Width or width P1 Length Width Area Use negative value for opposite direction
Drawing Rectangles Dimension Method: Command: RECTANGLE Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: P1 Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: D Specify length for rectangles : Length Specify width for rectangles : Width Specify other corner point or [Area/Dim/Rot]: P2 (flips rect.) P1 P2 Length Width Alternate P2
Other Options: Rotation – rotation can be input. Must supply angle or point. Chamfer – creates chamfered rectangle. Must supply Chamfer size. Fillet - creates filleted rectangle. Must supply fillet size. Width – line width can be input. Must supply line width. *NOTE: Values for Chamfer, Fillet, Width, and Rotation are retained for subsequent rectangles. Be sure to reset these values to 0 if standard rectangle is desired. Drawing Rectangles
Demo: Rectangles: Load Demo-Rectang.dwg Draw default 2 Point Rectangle. Draw Area Rectangle Draw Dimension Rectangle. Explode rectangle Show other options; Rotation Chamfer Fillet Width
Exercise 8: Draw the green Rectangle by Corner Point Method: 6” long and 4” wide with lower left corner at (1,1). Draw the pink Rectangle using the Dimension option: 4” long and 2” wide with 1st corner at (6,4). Experiment with the Rotate, Chamfer, Fillet, and Width Options. Be sure to reset parameters back to zero when you are done! first corner (6,4)
End Lesson 9
CENTER Drawing Ellipses: An Ellipse is a circle viewed from an angle. The components of an ellipse are shown. To initiate an ellipse; Command: ELLIPSE Draw Tool Bar: Draw Drop Down Menu:
Demo 4: Visuallizing an ellipse as a rotated circle: Load file Demo 4.dwg Rotate using ROTATE3D on x-axis. Circular cylinders and holes appear as ellipses when rotated into an isometric view.
Drawing Ellipses: Axis & Half Width Method: Command: ELLIPSE Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: P1 Specify other endpoint of axis: P2 Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Half Length or P3 Specify End Points (P1, P2) for one axis (major or minor) and Half Length of other axis. If using coordinate input for P3, Half Length is distance from P3 to ellipse center P1P2 P3 half length Major Axis Minor Axis Center (center is ref for relative coords)
Demo: Ellipse: Load Demo-Ellipse.dwg Axis & Half Width Method Next demo show Axis & Rotation Method Next demo show Center & Axis Method
Drawing Ellipses: Axis & Rotation Method: Specify End Points for Major axis and rotation angle of circle about Major axis. CommandELLIPSE Command: ELLIPSE Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: P1 Specify other endpoint of axis: P2 Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: R Specify rotation around major axis: Angle Angle – Enter angle value (0° °) or use mouse as lever arm to dynamically rotate about major axis. 0º 90º 45º P1 P2 Major Axis Minor Axis Center
Exercise 9: 1) Draw the red ellipse whose major axis is 4” and whose rotation angle around this axis is 60º. 2) Draw the green ellipse whose major axis is 4” and whose rotation angle around the major axis is 15º. 3) Draw the yellow ellipse with a Major axis of 4” and a Minor axis of 2 units. This ellipse should be identical to the first ellipse from the exercise. Confirm this using the MOVE command to place one approximately on top of the other
P1 P2 P3 half length Major Axis Minor Axis Center Drawing Ellipses: Center & Axes Method: Same as previous methods but first axis defined by center and one End Point (instead of axes ends). Command: ELLIPSE Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: C Specify center of ellipse: P1 Specify endpoint of axis: P2 Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Half Length or P3
Drawing Regular Polygons: Regular Polygon – A closed planar figure with straight sides of equal length and equal angles. Sides are grouped as a single object (3 to 1024 sides). To initiate a Polygon; Command: POLYGON Draw Tool Bar: Draw Drop Down Menu: 3Sides 4Sides 5Sides 6Sides 8Sides
Drawing Polygons: Center Method #1: Specify # Sides. Polygon based on a circle: Specify Center (P1). Specify whether Inscribed or Circumscribed. Type the length of the circle Radius: Base edge aligns x-axis of current UCS. Command: POLYGON Enter number of sides : 6 Specify center of polygon or [Edge]: P1 Enter an option [Inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle] : I for inscribed, C for circumscribed Specify radius of circle: Radius Rad InscribedCircumscribed P1 Rad
Demo 5: POLYGONS: Load file Demo5.dwg Show Center Method #1 Inscribed Vs. Circumscribed. Show Explode command Next Demo – Show Center Method #2 Next Demo - Show Edge Option
Drawing Polygons: Center Method #2: Specify # Sides. Specify Center (P1). Specify Inscribed/Circumscribed. Specify Radius of circle by point input P2: Inscribed – Corner of polygon placed at point P2. Circumscribed – Midpoint of polygon edge placed at point P2. Command: POLYGON Enter number of sides : 6 Specify center of polygon or [Edge]: P1 Enter an option [Inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle] : I for inscribed, C for circumscribed Specify radius of circle: P2 InscribedCircumscribed P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 Controls Polygon Orientation
Drawing Regular Polygons: Edge Method: Specify number of Sides. Specify End Points (P1, P2) for first edge. End points determine edge direction, and polygon created in direction. Command: POLYGON Enter number of sides : Sides Specify center of polygon or [Edge]: E Specify first endpoint of edge: P1 Specify second endpoint of edge: P2 P1 P2 Edge Direction Polygon Direction
Exercise 10: Draw the red circles at the given center locations (Radius = 2”). Then draw the green polygons using Center Method #2. Center=(2,4) Center=(8,4)
End Lesson 10
Drawing Polylines: Polyline – A series of interconnected lines and arcs with special properties and controllable width. To initiate a Polyline; Command: PLINE Draw Tool Bar: Draw Drop Down Menu:
A polyline is formed as a single object comprised of line and arc segments. Primary options: Line – line mode creates straight line segments Arc – arc mode creates polyarc segments Depending on the option selection, a different set of sub-options occurs. Secondary options: Line Width (for start & end of segment) Additional options for defining geometry Drawing Polylines:
Line Option (default): Specify end points similar to Line command. Options: Arc – switches to Polyarc mode. Close – same as for Line command. Halfwidth – input halfwidth of line at start & end. Length –creates line of specified length at angle of previous segment. If previous segment is arc, then line is drawn tangent to arc. Undo – same as for Line command. Width - input width of line at start & end. Command: PLINE Specify start point: P1 Current line-width is Specify next point or [Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: P2 Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]:
Demo 6: Load file Demo6.dwg. Show Polyline Line Options: Halfwidth Length Undo Width Arc
Exercise 11A: Draw the following objects using Polylines. Use keyboard entry only!
Drawing Polylines: PolyArc Options: Activated by (A)rc option. Default Arc – Specify End Point only. Arc drawn tangent to previous segment by default. Similar to Continue option for standard Arc command. Endpoint Previous Segment Default Arc Tangent
Drawing Polylines: (Start), Angle, Endpoint (Start), Angle, Center (Start), Angle, Radius, Chord Direction (Start), Center, Endpoint (Start), Center, Angle (Start), Center, Chord Length (Start), Radius, Endpoint (Start), Radius, Angle, Chord Direction (Start), Direction, Endpoint (Start), 2 nd Point, Endpoint (3-point arc) Angle Center Radius OddBall PolyArc Options: Activated by (A)rc option. Additional Arc Creation Options –
Drawing Polylines: (Start), Angle, Endpoint (Start), Angle, Center (Start), Angle, Radius, Chord Direction (Start), Center, Endpoint (Start), Center, Angle (Start), Center, Chord Length (Start), Radius, Endpoint (Start), Radius, Angle, Chord Direction (Start), Direction, Endpoint (Start), 2 nd Point, Endpoint (3-point arc) Angle Center Radius OddBall Tips for Creating Polyarcs: (Start) point is already given (end point of last segment). Based on info provided, select an initial option; Angle Center Radius Odd-Ball Provide input based on concepts learned from ARC command. Select remaining options based on given info.
Demo 6: Load file Demo6.dwg. Show Polyline Arc Options:
Exercise 11B: Draw the following objects using Polylines. Use keyboard entry only! If you finish early, draw your initials using Polylines as neatly and uniformly as possible using coordinate entry.
Point – Exactly what you think it is. Typically used as a drawing aid for geometric constructions. Command line single point allowed per command. Toolbar or Menu Multiple successive points may be specified. Point Marker appears at coordinates specified. To initiate a Point; Command: POINT Draw Tool Bar: Draw Drop Down Menu: Drawing Points:
Changing Point Types: Size and Style of the point marker can be changed. Edit System Variables: PDMODE – variable controlling point style. PDSIZE - variable controlling point size (+ value for absolute size, – value for relative size). Use Drop Down Menu: Highly Recommended FORMAT > POINT STYLE Drawing Points:
BLIPS: Depending on your system settings, you may notice construction marks (Blips) everywhere you specify a point…even for window selection, center specifications for a circle, line end points, etc. These are different than point markers. They will disappear when you REDRAW, PAN, or ZOOM. They can also be permanently disabled; Command: Blipmode > Off Drawing Points:
Demonstration: Points: Draw points by command line and menus. Change Style and Size using Menu; FORMAT > POINT STYLE
Exercise 12: Draw several points using each of the following styles. Vary the point sizing using both relative and absolute units, then zoom and use REGENALL to regenerate the drawing display.
End Lesson 11
Chapter 3 The End
Nomenclature Since we are now familiar with issuing commands using all 3 forms: Command Line, Toolbar Menu, and Drop Down Menu, only the Command line form will be examined in detail. The Tool Bar and Drop Down forms of the commands are very similar to the command line commands unless noted. Since most of this chapter involves Draw commands, its important that you review & learn the layout and command names for the Draw toolbar and Draw drop down menu.
Demo3/Exercise: Draw the green & red objects by creating each segment in the order shown; A first, then B, etc. Use symbol to snap to the previous point. For arcs B and D use St,End,Dir For arc F use St,End,Rad. Proceed carefully to avoid any mistakes!!! AB C D E F Start Point *This is a demo/exercise using Demo3.dwg
Exercise 7: Create the drawing shown using the indicated arc options. Use relative coordinates when possible. Make as 2 arcs:
Exercise 6: For each figure use Start,End,Radius for the first arc. Then complete the figure using the Continue option.
Drawing Ellipses: Axis & Half Width Method: Command: Ellipse Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: P1 Specify other endpoint of axis: P2 Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Length or P3 P1 P2 length P3 Specify End Points for one axis (major or minor) and Half Length of the other axis. If picking is used, Half Length is the distance from pick point to ellipse center.
Drawing Ellipses: Axis & Rotation Method: Specify End Points for Major axis and rotation angle of circle about Major axis. CommandEllipse Command: Ellipse Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: P1 Specify other endpoint of axis: P2 Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: R Specify rotation around major axis: Angle P1 P2 Angle – Enter angle value or use mouse as lever arm to dynamically rotate about major axis. 0º 90º 45º
Drawing Ellipses: Center & Axes Method: Same as previous methods but first axis defined by center and one End Point (instead of axes ends). Command: Ellipse Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: C Specify center of ellipse: P1 Specify endpoint of axis: P2 Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Length Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Length or P3 P1 P3 length P2
Drawing Ellipses: Elliptical Arcs: Ellipse command can be used to draw elliptical arcs by choosing the (A)rc option. Similar to previous ellipse construction except limits for the arc must be defined; Start and end angle of arc. Start and included angle of arc Start and end parameters of arc. Angle is defined from major axis nearest first ellipse point selected. Command: Ellipse Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: A Specify axis endpoint of elliptical arc or [Center]: P1 Etc….
Demo: Elliptical Arcs: Start and end angle of arc. Start and included angle of arc.
Exercise: Create the following elliptical arcs, each has a major axis of 4 units and a minor axis of 2 units. A. Use Center option B. Use Included Angle C. Your Choice
Exercise: Draw only the elliptical arcs using keyboard entry only. Grid spacing equals 1 unit. Origin (0,0) Center for all ellipses For All Ellipses: Major Axis = 6 Minor Axis = 4
PolyArc Option: Activated by (A)rc option. Default Arc – Specify end point only. Arc drawn tangent to previous segment by default. Similar to Continue option for standard Arc command. Other Arc Creation Options: Angle – Specify included angle of arc. Positive for arc, Negative for arc. Tangency will not necessarily be maintained. Then input Endpoint or; Center – C, then enter arc center point. Radius – R, then enter arc radius. and chord direction. and chord direction. Drawing Polylines: - Ө
Drawing Polylines: PolyArc Option: Activated by (A)rc option. Default Arc – specify end point, arc drawn tangent to previous segment by default. Options: Angle – Specify included angle of arc. Positive for arc, Negative for arc. Tangency will not necessarily be maintained. Then input Endpoint or; Center – C, then enter arc center point. Radius – R, then enter arc radius. and chord direction. and chord direction. Command: Pline Specify start point: P1 Current line-width is Specify next point or [Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: A Specify endpoint of arc or [Angle/CEnter/Direction/Halfwidth/Line/Radius/Second pt/Undo/Width]: P2 - Ө
Drawing Polylines: PolyArc Option: Options: Center – Specify arc centerpoint. Then enter Endpoint or; Angle – A, then enter included angle for arc. Length – L, then enter chord length for arc. Direction – Allows start point tangency angle to be input. Specify angle from pos. x-axis; or input point (P1) which joins with end of previous segment to form tangent line. Then specify endpoint (P2). - Ө P1 P1 P2
Drawing Polylines: PolyArc Option: Activated by (A)rc option. Options: Halfwidth – same as for line option. Line –returns to Line Mode. Radius – Specify arc radius. Then enter end point or; Angle – A, then enter included angle for arc and direction of chord. Second Point – same as 3 point arc. Enter second point, then third point for arc. Undo – same as for Line command. Width – same as on line option.
Exercise 11: Draw the following objects using Polylines. Use keyboard entry only! Radius = 1 W=.25 W=.35 If you finish early, draw your initials or name using Polylines as neatly and uniformly as possible using coordinate entry. W=.5 W=.25 W=.25 W=.1 W=.075 W=.05 W=0 W=0 Radius=1 Length=4