What did we do in class? (Friday) Ms. S. Hines ELA-6
Independent Reading We will actively begin reading when we walk in the door, and continue reading until the timer goes off. We will not walk unless it is an emergency. (No passes) We will not disrupt the reading of others by looking around, talking, writing notes, etc…
Opening Mini-Lesson: Using your resources Revised expectations for Double Bubble Map Standards board Asking a classmate/group Work Session Recipe Performance Task I will review and provide feedback on Monday. Thinking Map Performance Task Each country will create a double bubble map in Microsoft Word Topic: Holiday Closing Questions and Answers Place all completed tasks in the inbox Reminders: Desktops are for printing only Everyone will participate Raise your hand and wait to be addressed Believe in yourself Questions? Ask your group first Work to complete all tasks No loud talking Show respect
Independent Reading
We will actively begin reading when we walk in the door, and continue reading until the timer goes off. We will not walk unless it is an emergency. (No passes) We will not disrupt the reading of others by looking around, talking, writing notes, etc…
Diagonal Trait
Who would like to retell the events of Wanted!? Reading strategy: Think/Alouds today will focus on Important details. I will be modeling this strategy as I read. Turn to page 66
What is Alice’s best friend’s name? – Kelsey What kinds of things did you notice that seemed important in this section of WANTED!? What might these clues tell us about who killed Marc Robie? How did Cooney(the author) let you know which things are important? Why would an author include things that are not important in a story?
How did Cooney(the author) let you know which things are important? – Changes the font of the text Bigger Smaller Written crooked or italicized Why would an author include things that are not important in a story? – Maybe to catch our attention
What kinds of things did you notice that seemed important in this se ction of WANTED!? – When Alice said that running feels good – The jeans make her feel taller – When she stole the book bag at an elementary school – The way she decided to run from the police (ran out of the mall, jumped on the back of a truck, she almost got hit by a vehicle, she was listening to people talking on the payphone, etc…) – When she stole clothes out of the mall – When she took the price tag off of a purse and then said someone left it in the dressing room. – When she changed clothes in the school bathroom – She ripped holes in her clothes – She stole cheap clothing – When she thought about the school being in while hers was out of school for a teacher learning day.
What might these clues tell us about who killed Marc Robie? – About her leaving right after the crime – When she was remembered needing a work id card to get into the building – Her love of running and crying – Throwing Up – She acts before she thinks…then she feels bad…then she does something bad again
Create a new entry in your notebook. Title: Unit 1, Lesson 21 Date: Assign a page number
Unit 1, Lesson 21 Character traits – Appearance – Abilities – Likes and dislikes – Relationship with others – What is important to the character (motives)?
Compare and Contrast Schools Middle SchoolBothElementary School Real instruments in music There are two classes called connections There are 6 classes The teachers are harder Lockers Learn a lot more We come to school later and get out late. More larger kids Sells Chick-fil-a biscuits Water vending machines No recess Have human kids Teachers Connections/specials School stores Computers Library You learn Counselors Principal Classrooms Safety rules Only switched less than 3 classes Recess More grade levels with in one building Behavior charts Parties Give out more awards Field trips Naps Smaller cafeteria Sickly kids Less fights Less stairs Better food
Compare and Contrast-Character Alice’s Dad (Group 1) Both (Group 3) Alice’s Mom (Group 2) Neat and fancy Old-fashioned This is where we stopped and we will pick up with this activity on Monday.
Have a great weekend.