The SOAMIG PROCESS Model in Industrial Applications Presented by Alexandru Stan
Authors Offis Andreas Winter Christian Zillman University Of Koblenz Andreas Fuhr Tassilo Horn Volker Riediger Amadeus Marianne Theurer Axel Herget Teppe Werner Pro et Con Uwe Erdmenger Uwe Kaiser Denis Uhlig Yvonne Zimmermann
Introduction The SOAMIG process is a model-driven legacy software migration towards the SOA environment Its Goal is to define an adaptable and iterative process model which provides a transformation-based model for code and architecture migration
Origins “Migrating legacy systems: gateways, interfaces & the incremental approach” (Brodie, & StoneBraker,1995 ) “Understanding service-oriented software” (Mohan, et al., 2004) “SOMA: A method for developing service- oriented solutions” (Arsanjani, et al., 2008 ) “Extending SOMA for Model-Driven Software Migration into SOA” (Fuhr, et al.,2009)
The SOAMIG Process
Phases Preparation Set-up project goals Gather supporting tools Conceptualization Establish a target system solution Pass through all the core disciplines and evaluate the Technical feasibility of the project Evaluate applicability of the current supporting tools Migration All the core disciplines are performed iteratively resulting in the migrated system Transition Monitor, debug and improve the new system
Core Disciplines Business Modeling Evaluate and Document the Business Processes supported by the legacy system Evaluate the Business Processes which will be supported by the new system Legacy Analysis Analyze the source code and the current architecture Determine the system’s core functionalities Target Architecture Define and ideal architecture for the migrated system taking into consideration the supporting tools, the legacy system and economical factors for the migration Establish the new services which will be integrated in the target system Strategy Selection Establish a strategy for the delivery of the target system Realization In this phase the actual migration is taking place Testing Determine if the new system has the same functionality as the old one Cut-Over Deploy the software, making it accessible to the users Implement a feedback service so you get noticed by the customers of potential improvements for the target system
Related Literature SOA provides companies the opportunity to reuse old code and actually spend less for development (Arsanjani et al., 2008) The SOAMIG is an extension of the SOMA method (Fuhr et al., 2009) The SOAMIG process model provides a fast, adaptable and economically-wise migration to the SOA environment unlike its predecessor (Fuhr et al., 2010) At the moment there are two projects (LCOBOL and Rail ) where the SOAMIG process model has been implemented (Fuhr, et al.,2011 ) and ( Erdmenger, et al., 2011 )
Example Pizzeria Alba from Utrecht currently makes phone call deliveries They use a system developed in Ruby The Owner wishes to make online deliveries in the future
Example Pre-Renovation ◦ After analyzing the application, it was decided that the target system would be developed in Ruby on Rails Conceptualization ◦ The legacy system currently supports order management and real-time scheduling ◦ New services should be added like online payment, an online menu and accounts ◦ The target architecture should be MVC standard ( Model View Controller ) ◦ Split the application in three sections : Model – Database and Queries View - Interface Controller –The Back-End of the software ( order process, online payment etc. ) ◦ Make a back-up for the legacy system
Example RequirementsCurrent SoftwareChanges to be made Source CodeRuby 2.1Convert the code to Ruby 3.2 InterfaceDesktop interfaceMake a new interface ( web-compliant ) DatabasePostGRE SQl on a local server Migrate the database to an online server Database queriesRuby DBI moduleConvert the queries to Active Records ( Ruby on Rails compliant ) Online paymentNoneMake an online payment service Automatic invoicingNoneMake an invoicing service Online MenuNoneMake an online menu with dynamic data
Example Migration ◦ We will skip to step 6 when we have the end-result product ◦ The migrated system will be tested for a few days to see if the system is behaving properly (the legacy functionality has been kept and the new services added are working accordingly) ◦ After ensuring ourselves that the system is working properly, it will go online for customer use Transition ◦ Based on customer feedback and constant monitoring improvements will be made to the system