By: Page Anderson, Alexis Boles, and Taylor Boles
Between B.C. the Etruscans settled in the Italian Peninsula; arriving from Asia Minor 3000 years ago, a tribe called the Latins lived on the Tiber River. The village grew and became Rome.
Gods looked like humans, exactly like Greek gods Women and men were fairly equal in status Each town was organized by the Etruscans to form city-states, which each had a king Each city-state worked together in a league and that called the Etruscan league
The Etruscan league began to trade with people along the African coastline, along with people in the east. Trade route included a village on the Tiber River Rome was a busy place Rome grew while Etruscans was building their civilization Rome was a center of commerce Some of the early kings from Rome were Etruscans
Religious and/or light-hearted topics Created artistic objects mostly for religious purposes Famous artworks are in baked clay or terra- cotta Decorative art are imported then copied painted Greek pottery Are famous for their gold jewelry
The Etruscans used Greek alphabet Only some of the language has been deciphered
Upper class -Wealthy landowners, nobles, and priests Middle Class -Farmers, traders, and city workers Lower Class -enslaved people
Had many gods They first worshiped gods outdoors on platforms made of stone or dirt Later, they built temples of wood, mud-brick, and clay on stone foundations Soothsayers predicted events Omens were signs of what was going to happen
Had a strong, powerful military Soldiers wore heavy leather shoes that laced around the ankle
Grew barley, wheat, grapes and other fruit They raised sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, and cattle Cattle was used for food and to pull plows and wagons
Played board games Watched and took part in sports They loved music and dancing, it was a big part of their religion Gambled with ivory dice
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