The Indonesian Institute of Accountants Management Accountant Compartment Organize A ONE DAY INTENSIVE SEMINAR “PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY/CSR and REPORTING” The Indonesian - Netherlands Association In Collaboration With INDONESIAN LAUNCH OF G3 GUIDELINES & CSR EXHIBITION Wednesday, 28 February 2007, Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, INDONESIA hat you get in this one day intensive seminar is: The latest research findings about sustainable and responsible performance. Learn about the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G3) and the best ways to put your organization leading in sustainable development implementation from the angle of business sector. Understanding of internationally recognized guidelines for reporting on sustainable performance. Practical hands on solutions for media and internet communications Developing internal support for your communication efforts, and more. ho Should Attend? CSR Directors/Managers HR Directors/Managers Corporate Secretary Public Relation Managers Community Development Managers Health and Safety Managers Professional Accountants in Business Internal and External Auditors NGO & Academia – Opening Ceremony Keynote speech By Mr. Ir. Rachmat Witoelar, State Minister for Environment of the Republic of Indonesia – Session 1. Global Guidelines and Practises Overview on Sustainability Reporting and Its Implementation Globally By Ernst Ligteringen, Chief Executive, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Netherlands – Session 3. Sustainable Enterprise Performance How to monitor and evaluate CSR Programs By. Dr. Johannes Gediga, Manager PE Asia, Germany – Session 4. Case Study: Practical experiences: Tone at the Top By Ms. Hermien Sarengat, President Director, GE Tech Indonesia Green policy and its implementation By Rudi Fajar, Director CSR, PT Riau Pulp Paper Measuring and reporting CSR Performance, By Arief Istanto, Chief Corporate SESR, PT Astra International. Tbk. A GENDA Supported by W W – Session 2. Sustainability Management and Reporting How to measure and report CSR Performance, By Michael Betz, Managing Director, PE International, Germany Royal Netherlands Embassy Indonesia Business Links Resource Centre for Corporate Citizenship and
S eminar Fee : Non member: Rp ,-- Members of IAI; INA and IBL: Rp ,-- Including lunch and snack, training kits, G3 guidelines, and certificate INA Gedung Menara Jamsostek Tower A, 20 th Floor, Suite 2002 Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No 38 Jakarta Phone: Fax: Contact person: Ariefin Makaminan R EGISTRATION FORM Name: Position: Company/Organization: Company Address: Phone Fax Cellular Contact Number: Please transfer the seminar fee to: Kompartemen Akuntan Manajemen BCA KCP Menteng Account : Please return this registration form along with the payment slip by fax or to the Secretariat IAI-KAM Jl. Sindanglaya No. 1 Menteng Jakarta Telp Ext 311. Fax: Contact person: Lely, , Titi, S ecretariat Ernst Ligteringen is the Chief Executive of GRI. He has held this position since 2002, when GRI was established as an independent organization with an international Secretariat in Amsterdam. Ernst is a member of GRI’s multi-stakeholder Board of Directors, which has charged the GRI with the mission of making sustainability reporting as relevant and mainstream as financial reporting. Before joining GRI, Ernst had a 23-year career in various non-governmental and international organizations, including postings and missions in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia, Middle East and Europe. His posts included: Executive Director of Oxfam International; Director of Programme Coordination of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; and Consultant to the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization at the ILO. About the speaker