OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace EnglishEspanol 한국어 DeustchPortuguese 日本語 Francais 中文 Pyccko Italiano Please swipe your card ATM: Please Swipe your Card. (in language) Say (language) for (language).
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace EnglishEspanol 한국어 DeustchPortuguese 日本語 Francais 中文 Pyccko Italiano Card was read unsuccessfully. Please swipe again. ATM: Card was read unsuccessfully. Please swipe again.
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace Please say yes if you would like to use voice commands. Click OK if you would like to use our touch screen interface and keypad. OK ATM: Please say yes if you would like to use voice commands. Click OK if you would like to use our touch screen interface and keypad.
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace 1. Enter PIN # on the number pad below. ATM: Enter PIN number on the pad below, or state it aloud.
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace 1. Enter PIN # on the number pad below. * ATM: Enter PIN number on the pad below, or state it aloud.
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace 1. Enter PIN # on the number pad below. ** ATM: Enter PIN number on the pad below, or state it aloud.
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace 2. Enter PIN # on the number pad below. Withdraw cashCheck balancesTransfer money ******** ATM: To transfer money, touch the ‘transfer’ money button, to check your balances, touch the ‘check balances’ button, to withdraw cash, touch the ‘withdraw cash’ button. You may also state any of these to use them.
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace Enter amount. Your balance is: ATM: How much would you like to withdraw? ATM: Your balance is: $ $ $ Withdraw Money
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace Withdrawing $0.00 Edit Amount Continue Withdrawing $0.00
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace Checking’s: Your balance is: Savings: Your balance is: Your checking’s balance is: $ Your savings balance is $ $0.00
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace Checking's: Child support: Personal: $0.00 From what account to what account would you like to transfer? How much would you like transfer? Transfer Money Transfer from what to what
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace Transferring $0.00 from (account) to (account). Edit amount Continue Transferring $0.00 from (account) to (account).
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace Invalid PIN #. Please enter your PIN # on the pad below, then press OK. *************** Invalid PIN number. Please enter PIN number on the number pad below, or state it, then press OK, or say OK.
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace You Currently have insufficient funds for this transaction. Please try again. Your balance is: $0.00 OK ATM: You Currently have Insufficient funds for this transaction. Please hit back and try again. You may also say Back to go back.
OK CANCEL 0 OK Backspace Thank You for using S.M.A.T.E. Have a nice day.