Brain Gym Level 4 School No 12 KAZAN Pirkina Sofia 6A Head teacher :Olga Lvovna Troup
Our Curious Mind By Pyrkina Sofiya Kazan School No 12 Head teacher Olga Lvovna Troup
Scientists have noticed that connections within human brain are similar to many other structures: Matter in the Universe The Internet Cities and towns Constructions made by small organisms etc... Human brain is considered the most complicated known like structure in the Universe. Brain & Nature
Our thoughts and feelings can be regarded as electro- chemical activity of the brain cells which are called « neurons» ( from Greek word meaning «fiber»). Human brain contains about 100 billions neurons which are connected to each other. Scientists from over the world study human brain to create artificial brain, record memories and thoughts, find better medicine to cure some diseases. There are 100 billion neurons in human brain and only 300 neurons in simple worm Caenorhabditis elegans. «Human Brain» project involves 120 teams of scientists from 22 countries and costs 25 million euro a year. The biggest and the most famous neurogical project now is called «Human Brain». A part of it is called «Mindscope». It is mission is to record and replay thoughts and impressions directly from one brain to another.
Curious Mind Why do people close their eyes of pleasure? The reason is that in order to concentrate on one feeling we need we need to block the others. People see an image as small details connected by imagination. An experiment showed that people who watch a painting for 10 minutes don’t even look at it’s biggest part. Why do people feel strange while walking up a still escalator? Because of daily task of walking up a moving escalator the brain remembers it as normal and feels weird when the rule is broken. The scientists who have studied it even call it a “broken escalator phenomenon”.
1. Questions. a) What is it like -brain? b) How much neurons does human brain contain? c) Why do people close their eyes of pleasure? d) Why do people feel strange while walking up a still escalator? 2. Match the words to their meaning. 1. Scientist a) A type of cell that makes up the nervous system and sends messages to other parts of the body or the brain. 2. Brain b) Someone who works or is trained in science. 3. Neuron c) A carefully planned piece of work to get information about something. 4. Project d) All space, including all the stars and planets. 5. Universe e) The organ inside your head that controls how you think, feel, and move. 3. What other strange and curious facts of people`s behavior do you know?