Vision-based Motion Planning for an Autonomous Motorcycle on Ill-Structured Road Reporter :鄒嘉恆 Date : 08/31/09
Intr oduction Design a vision-based motion planning system for desert terrain. The motion planning is based on a vision vector space(V 2 -space). Motivated by the DARPA Grand Challenge.
Outline V 2 -space Algorithm – V 2 -Space construction – Motion planning in V 2 -space Experimental results Conclusion
V2-space Pin-hole model : Video frame F is a matrix of RGB values :
Algorithm : V2-space construction
Color correction :
Algorithm : V2-space construction Surface verification : Obstacles detection :
Algorithm : V2-space construction Direction extraction :
Algorithm : Motion planning in V2-space A point robot with no time delay :
Algorithm : Motion planning in V2-space Choose the velocity profile v p (t) The motorcycle cannot run too fast for a given trajectory radius R.
A lgorithm : Motion planning in V 2 -space Incorporating GPS information :
Algorithm : Vehicle size and processing delay Vehicle size
Algorithm : Vehicle size and processing delay Image processing delay :
Algorithm overview
Experimental results From video clip :
Experimental results From video clip :
Experimental results From video clip :
Experimental results Filed tests :
Conclusions Propose V 2 -space, a new framework that represent road feature and allows fast construction and motion planning. In the future, they will consider incorporating V 2 -space in a stereo vision system.